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Plastic designed outfits

Final year students of the Stemapet Cake and Floral Insitute exhibited some beautiful designs at the National Theatre over the weekend.

This was to showcase their creativity and skills after the in­tensive training over the years.

The designs were made from newspapers, plastic bottles, straw and many more.

Here are some creative de­signs from the students.



Meet Mavis Adjoa Yeboah Adjei, brain behind leading clothing giant

Gone were the days when people gave little attention to what they wore for public functions.

One’s fashion sense has become a big deal in recent time with the use of social media taking the fashion craze a notch higher.

At some high profile entertainment events with red carpet receptions, one often hear a harmless question like, ‘what are you wearing,’ which in effect means the identity of the creator of one’s dress.

Fashion lovers have been very alert to this, and in the process become very choosy and careful about what they wear out.


This, therefore, requires a vibrant industry, driven by hardworking designers to meet the increasing demands for such designs.

One of such per­sons making giant strides and amazing designs for the past 14 years is Mavis Adjoa Yeboah Adjei , a visionary CEO and Creative Director of Adjoa Yeboah Clothing.

Mrs Adjei ventured into fashion designing after giving her cloth to a seamstress to work on for a programme, only to be disappointed on the D-day.

“I was frustrated be­cause I didn’t have any­thing to wear. Through my frustration, I decided to enroll at the Joyce Ababio College of Fashion. After that I launched my busi­ness,” she narrated to The Spectator.

“I’ve always believed in nurturing one’s passion. My love for fashion and design led me to pursue formal ed­ucation at the Joyce Ababio College where I honed the skills necessary to turn my passion into a thriving busi­ness,’ she indicated.


The old student of Ghana Secondary School, Koforid­ua, says she has this desire to provide a unique blend of fashion outfits in order to satisfy the variegated tastes of a myriad of clientele.

Adjoa, as she is affection­ately known, was inspired by colours and considered the body type of clients before making an outfit for her clients.

And her biggest aspiration was to be the number one in the industry, providing bespoke clothing solutions to the generality of mankind as they step into the world of work and social network interactions/ programmes with unparalleled confidence and elegance.

Adjoa’s designs have been worn by both national and international celebrities, including Anita Akuffo, Korkui Salormey, Dentaa Amoateng and Rosalyn Felli, just to mention a few.

Despite the busy schedule with work, Adjoa, a mother of four, careful­ly plans her activities in order to meet the demands of family life as well.

“I prioritise my time, ensuring that I’m fully present in both my profes­sional and personal life. My family’s support has been crucial in helping me manage these responsibilities, allow­ing me to excel in both areas.”


As a result, she has become a men­tor to hundreds of successful fashion designers and is a crucial resource for industrial attachment and internship for students studying fashion, textiles, and garment studies at both public and private universities.


Adjoa Yeboah Clothing was honoured as the Fashion Brand of the Year at the 2019 Women’s Choice Awards due to her outstanding leadership and stellar delivery of fashion outfits in the year under review.

Furthermore, her clothing line has collaborated with Media General/ TV3’s flagship culture and entertain­ment show ‘Ghana’s Most Beautiful’ as the fashion hub of choice.

She also collab­orated with esteemed national and international personalities and fashion brands such as Vlisco (including the Vlisco Ambassador project) to outdoor many spectacular product collections.


Adjoa worked with Vlisco as a fashion designer in 2014 where she designed and clothed Vlisco’s Ambas­sadors.

She also curated looks for other Vlisco influencers as well as those for Vlisco Radiance Bridal fair. In 2017, she partnered and unveiled Vlisco Capsule Collection in the flagship store at Accra Mall.


Like any entrepreneur, she faces challenges, particularly in balancing creative innovation with the daily management of the business. Earlier on, she saw the need for more training to manage the operational side of the brand, which led her to pursue further studies in management.


Again, she was affected gravely by the high cost of production (ie mate­rials, power, and accessories) which affects the cost of the final product.


Adjoa aims to position her clothing line as a globally recognised brand that continues to empower women and inspire the next generation of designers.

She also want to continue advocat­ing for the empowerment of women and children, using her platform to make a positive impact.



She pursued a management degree at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) to enhance her business skills, and also completed the Women Entrepreneur­ship and Leadership Africa (WELA) Pro­gramme at the China Europe Interna­tional Business School to learn how to position the brand for global success.


Adjoa Yeboah loves listening to a blend of soul, jazz and traditional music, and likes to travel to the coun­tryside to enjoy nature as a source of inspiration. She also loves to read and watch latest trends in the world of fashion.


Born to Mr George Adjei Anobi and Madam Faustina Kyeremaa, she is the first among four siblings – (three girls and a boy) and hails from Berekum in the Bono region.


Adjoa wants the youth to focus on what they’re passionate about and dedicate time and resources to mas­tering their skills. Excellence doesn’t happen overnight—it’s a result of consistent effort and learning.

By Linda Abrefi Wadie


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Dzifa Abla Gomashie, first female MP for Ketu South Constituency

• Hon Dzifa Abla Gomashie, first female Member of Parliament for Ketu South Constituency

Hon Dzifa Abla Gomashie, firstfemale Member of Parliament
for Ketu South Constituency

Hon. Dzifa Abla Gomashie is the Member of Parliament for the Ketu South constituency on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress. She is also a queen mother in the Aflao traditional area in the Volta Region with the name ‘Mama Dramado’ meaning, “Take care of me, Mama.”

She appears to be living up to the title of her royal name with success. She was the deputy minister of tour­ism in the era of the NDC from 2013 to 2017.

Hon. Dzifa Abla Go­mashie, who ran and won on the NDC ticket to represent the Ketu South seat in the 2020 elec­tions, is the first female Member of Parliament for Ketu South.

After winning the NDC parliamentary primaries last year, she is currently running for parliament for the same seat. Her victo­ry margin was substantial, with 1,545 votes, compared to the 913 and 26 votes received by the other candidates, Fogah Nukunu and Jimm Morti, respectively.


Through her non-governmental organisation, Values for Life, she has been serving her people for years, helping women, children, and the youth in a variety of ways and teach­ing them social and entrepreneurial skills that they would not have learned in a traditional classroom.

She proclaimed openly, “I’ve been blessed with the love, respect and support I have from my constituents,” in an interview with The Spectator.


Speaking about her work as the MP for Ketu South, she mentioned that in the area of health, in 2020, 2021, and 2022, she sponsored free eye test­ing and screenings, performed free surgeries, and gave medication and prescription glasses to Aflao, Adina, Wudoaba, and Ativuta.

“I also constructed a clinic with a maternity ward at Anoenu in Aflao and helped the Ketu South Municipal Hos­pital expand its paediatric emergency unit,” she added.


Once more, she provided 46 stu­dents with GH¢1,000 each to help with their tuition fees throughout the 2020–2021 academic year.

In addition, she refurbished the An­sahrul Islamic Basic School, built and equipped an I.C.T. lab for the Skills Development Project, and provided 99 students with GH¢500 each in order to help with their school costs for the 2022–2023 academic year.

She did not only provide GH¢3,000 to assist the construction of a mech­anised borehole for some Senior High Schools, but she also extended pipe-borne water from the Ketu South Municipal Assembly to the Ketu South Education Directorate.

Regarding youth and sports, she gave GH¢1,500 to the Regional Football Association to help with the purchase of trophies.

Moreover, she first gave GH¢2,000 to the Municipal­ity’s 37th Na­tional Farm­ers Day celebration at Lotakor. She then provided laterite and 20 loads of sand to support the GH¢13,000 rehabilitation of Awa­korme Road.


The Ketu South MP has also made a significant appear­ance in the area of supporting people with disabilities. She gave GH¢3,000 to help fund the visually impaired children’s transition from Chicago-Denu’s Special School for the Blind to Mafi-Adidome’s Avekpedome Unit School for the Blind.

Additionally, she donated GH¢2,000 to purchase detergent and other educational items to aid in the Spe­cial Children unit of the Municipal Education Directorate’s teaching and learning initiatives.

Furthermore, she gave 10 sets of jerseys to the teams competing in the Sepenukorpe beach football tour­nament (Awakorme FC, Viepe FC, Abeliakorpe FC, Atorkukorpe FC, and Sepenukorpe FC). In matters of faith and customs, Hon. Dzifa Abla Gomashie backed churches, other places of worship, and cus­tomary lands within the constituency.

Her commitment for helping the underprivileged led her to insti­tute skills de­velopment and business pro­grammes that give instruction in 10 different modules, including sewing, hairdressing, ICT, shoemaking, plumbing, and soapmaking.

For social intervention, the MP of Ketu Spouth gave 200 pieces of street lights to the Ketu South Municipal Assembly, organ­ised Christmas and New Year parties for children from tidal wave commu­nities like Adina, Salakope, Agavedzi, and Blekusu, and donated relief items to victims of tidal waves in Amutinu, Salakope and Adina, with bags, food items, and bags of cement, among other things.

She also donated a variety of goods to the Providence Orphanage Home in Aflao-Semanukorpe among others!


Despite her experience as an ac­tor, producer, and screenwriter, she shared a few reasons for choosing to run for MP, saying, “I think I have full endorsement from my delegates and people so I can run an election.”

In order to realise her goal of raising her constituents’ level of life, she asks her supporters to assist her in electing the NDC to power.

She expressed the hope that the le­gally mandated institutions will meet the standards necessary for free, fair, and transparent elections. When asked what she would think if her wish­es were not fulfilled, she answered right away, “We will win convincingly through fair means.”



Hon. Dzifa Gomashie graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Ghana’s School of Per­forming Arts in 2003, and she went on to get a Master of Philosophy from the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, from 2005 to 2008. She had previously studied Theatre Arts from 1994 to 1998 at the same university’s School of Performing Arts, where she received a Diploma in the field.

After completing her Ordinary Level in General Arts at St. Louis Secondary School in Kumasi in 1985, she went to Snapps College Ghana from 1992 to 1994. She obtained a Certificate of Education in General Arts at the Advanced Level there.

Hon. Dzifa Abla Gomashie is a widow with children. She feels that in order to sustain herself, her family, and oth­ers, she must work hard and do quality work since hard effort pays off.

Apart from her rigorous work sched­ule, she has always had a passion for dance since she ‘popped out of her mother’s womb.’


Although she claims that her elec­torate is quite large, she received 84,000 votes from voters when she ran for office the first time.

Regarding the question of whether the Affirmative Action Bill’s passage into law will give women hope, she responded that it is not a solution to every issue that affects women.

“We need to step up advocacy be­cause it’s a never-ending cycle,” she continued.

 By Georgina Quaittoo


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