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Punishment for the rapist

Sikaman Palava

IN the animal kingdom, there is nothing like rape, defilement or sexual assault. Every aspect of life is excessively democratised and so liberalised that licentious behaviour bordering on sexual aggressions is regarded as part of normal living. A nanny-goat for instance which is al­ways sexually harassed by a bearded and moustache he-goat has no way of seeking redress. Who would listen to it?

In human society, this is not so. The human being is a social animal guided by rules, norms, conventions, morals and folk ways. As such, the human male who goes about bleating, stamping and sniffing around females like a stubborn he-goat does, is well-nigh insane. He is only fit for an animal farm.

Because human society is sane and well organised, wayward behaviour like rape, which is accepted and even commended in animal society, is regarded as a grievous offence. Defilement cannot be tolerated and a lawless society is generally detested and frowned upon.

I even hear that in a certain remote village in Sikaman, it is an offence for a man to deliberately touch the buttocks of a girl or wom­an. A fine of one sheep and a bottle of schnapps is the punishment for such offence. This decree is quite revolutionary!



It is so very unfortunate that the female species of all living organisms are vulnerable to assault by their male counterparts who are perpet­ually seeking gratification of their sexual urges.

Females, normally referred to as the weaker sex, have had to contend with aggressive male behaviour to the very extent that at workplaces, girls and married women are targets of sexually-motivated aggression.

The worse form of aggression on women is rape, and in Sikaman today, rape is one of the leading crimes being tried at the courts and public tribunals.


Not too far back, an 80-year-old man in northern Sikaman was report­edly jailed for rape. At eighty and still raping is an incredible achieve­ment, but on the contrary very infamous.

The media also reported on a man, married with three wives who was incarcerated for raping a girl who came to his veranda to escape the rain falling at the time.

The GNA recently reported that on January 21, three fishermen at Keta allegedly lured a 13-year-old girl into a room and “forcefully seduced her.” The case is being tried by the Volta Regional Tribunal, and one of the accused, Amenehu alias ‘Alhaji’ of Angola is at large.

The latest and perhaps the most serious is a rape case being tried by the Greater Accra Regional Tribunal. A married T.V mechanic is alleged to have raped a 3 and a half-year-old girl? The girl demonstrated to the tribunal how she was seduced.


It is not understandable why married men are mostly found in the rape business. Obviously, they were not sexually starved. They are just being wicked.


Rape in certain societies is regard­ed so seriously that capital punish­ment is prescribed for convicted rapists. In Saudi Arabia where strict Islamic laws prevail, a convicted rap­ist will surely forfeit his head after the Friday prayer session.

In Iran, it would be a neck-tie death day party organised in honour of the rapist. He’ll dangle by the neck at the gallows. In China, a sin­gle shot through the back of the head is all a rapist needs to become a good fellow.


After this sort of punishment, he can never dream of raping the most provocative Madonna unless he rein­carnates. Dead men don’t rape!

A news report coming from China told the story of relatives and neigh­bours of a rape victim who took the law into their own hands and forci­bly caught and castrated the rapist and displayed his testicles in a jar. I should think that this kind of punish­ment is more severe than facing the firing squad.

Aside any moral considerations, however, this type of punishment look quite effective. A castrated rap­ist is no danger at all to organised so­ciety. Fact is that he can bark but he can’t bite. Even a strip-tease dancer can no longer arouse him. And sooner or later he will grow so fat and oily that he’d become more famous as a super-heavyweight than as a dreaded rapist.

In a certain US community, the incidence of rape in 1987 was getting so high that a debate was organised and a vote was taken in whether or not castration of rapists should be a suitable punishment.


Naturally, most of the females voted for castration, arguing that a rapist without BALLS fits so well into society. He becomes a round jolly fellow who poses no danger at all. A thousand women can sleep peacefully beside him and not risk the slightest show of aggression.


The women further referred to the Holy Bible where they claim it is written that eunuchs (castrated men) had special duties including taking charge of women. And in certain kingdoms, eunuchs are assigned to bathe the queen because they are so harmless, just like toothless bulldogs. They also referred to castrated goats as very sober and inferred from this fact that a castrated rapist would be even more sober.

On the contrary, almost all the men voted against castration. They argued that women are responsible for sexually aggressive behaviour put up by men. They contend that the lewd suggestiveness of the dressing of women and girls and the provoca­tive way they carry themselves about induce the call for rape.


They also argued on ethical grounds that a man who is deprived of his most cherished asset-his sexual power is not proper, especially when women induce him to misbehave.

In Sikaman, one can put up such arguments that some of our ladies, disregard the decency of our culture and dress to make themselves volup­tuous and attract the eye of harmless observers and rapists alike.

In any case, however, the punish­ment meted out to rapists, I dare say, is not deterrent enough, considering the extent of harm they cause to their victims. Some rape victims are emotionally wrecked all through their lives. Some cannot bear the disgrace if being called a rape victim.

Others even attempt to commit suicide, and some still can never get married because they become forev­er scared of men. They also become sexually frigid, and why should the rapist be jailed for only a few years for wrecking the life of a fellow be­ing. I am against castration, though.


This article was first published

on Saturday, November 10, 1990.


Merari Alomele’s


In Sikaman, one can put up such arguments that some la­dies, disregard the decency of our culture and dress to make themselves voluptuous and at­tract the eye of harmless ob­servers and rapists alike.

Your Weekend Companion


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 Preventing the brain’s melting point with BOS

 The human brain is a complex and delicate organ, susceptible to damage from various factors, including extreme tempera­tures.

The brain’s melting point, also known as the tempera­ture threshold beyond which brain tissue begins to de­grade, is a critical concern for individuals seeking to maintain optimal cognitive function.

Fortunately, the Brain Operating System (BOS) offers a revolutionary solution to prevent the brain’s melting point.

Understanding the brain’s melting point


The brain’s melting point refers to the temperature threshold beyond which brain tissue begins to degrade, leading to irreversible dam­age.

This temperature threshold varies depending on individual factors, such as age, health, and environmental conditions. However, research suggests that the brain’s melting point is approximately 104°F (40°C) to 107°F (42°C).

The role of BOS in pre­venting the brain’s melting point

BOS, a cutting-edge tech­nology, plays a crucial role in preventing the brain’s melting point. By leveraging advanced neural interfaces and artificial intelligence, BOS monitors and regulates brain tempera­ture, ensuring that it remains within a safe range.


How BOS prevents the brain’s melting point

BOS prevents the brain’s melting point through several mechanisms:

1. Temperature regulation: BOS continuously monitors brain temperature, adjusting neural activity to maintain a stable temperature.

2. Heat dissipation: BOS enhances heat dissipation through increased blood flow and sweating.


3. Neuro protection: BOS protects neurons from heat-induced damage.

Benefits of BOS in prevent­ing the brain’s melting point

The benefits of BOS in preventing the brain’s melting point are numerous:

1. Prevents brain damage: BOS prevents brain damage caused by excessive heat.


2. Maintains cognitive function: BOS ensures optimal cognitive function by main­taining stable brain tempera­ture.

3. Enhances brain resil­ience: BOS enhances brain resilience to temperature fluctuations.

Real-World applications of BOS

BOS has various real-world applications:


1. High-performance computing: BOS enables high-performance computing by maintaining optimal brain temperature.

2. Medical applications: BOS has medical applications, such as treating heat-related illnesses.

3. Space exploration: BOS is crucial for space explora­tion, where extreme tempera­tures pose a significant risk.



BOS is a revolutionary technology that prevents the brain’s melting point, ensur­ing optimal cognitive function and overall well-being. By leveraging advanced neural interfaces and artificial in­telligence, BOS monitors and regulates brain temperature, protecting against heat-relat­ed damage.


1. BOS: Brain Operating System.

2. Brain’s melting point: Temperature threshold be­yond which brain tissue begins to degrade.


3. Neural interface: Con­nects human brain with digital devices.

Contact Information

Additional resources:


1. BOS research: Explore scientific studies.

2. Neural interface re­sources: Discover books and articles.

3. Brain-computer in­terface communities: Join online forums.

Future directions


As BOS technology continues to evolve, we can expect:

1. Improved temperature regulation: Enhanced tem­perature regulation mecha­nisms.

2. Increased cognitive enhancement: Advanced cognitive enhancement capa­bilities.

3. Expanded applications: New applications in various fields.


By harnessing the power of BOS, individuals can safe­guard their brain health and maintain optimal cognitive function, even in extreme environments.

By Robert Ekow Grimmond-Thompson

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Lotto wahala and Tuobodom palaver

• Lotto has been the financial messiah of many
• Lotto has been the financial messiah of many

In Sikaman lotto is not a game. It is a profession, a noble career which people aspire to. It is the highest paying profession after armed robbery and the most widespread job on this side of the Atlantic.

In places like China, lotto is a disease that has no cure. Once you are infected, no doctor on earth can cure you. May be Kofi Larteh, Ghana’s most celebrated magician, can help ease the symptoms, but no definitive cure will be forthcoming.

Coming back to Sikaman, lotto has been the financial messiah of many. That is how people look after their large families, pay school fees, marry two wives and do their own ‘monkey things.’

If you are very poor and you win a lottery, chances are that you will die before you even collect the money. You’ll die out of excitement or you’ll start day-dreaming in the streets and an articulated truck will hit you.


As such, very heavy wins are not recommended for poor people, lest they get listed too soon in the obitu­ary columns.

The sad story is told of a heavy-du­ty caterpillar driver who had a very heavy lotto windfall of several mil­lions, his first big win after several years.


He was driving the caterpillar home when he saw his son running towards him, shouting. “All your numbers have dropped! All your numbers have dropped! He could not believe his ears.


All the four numbers he had staked had dropped and his son, who had gone to stake them for him, was himself over-excited. The poor cater­pillar man just could not handle the good news. He suddenly stepped on the brakes and the caterpillar jolted him a trifle too violently, throwing him off. He landed right in front of the still moving heavy-duty machine and it crushed him flat.

I don’t think the bloke would have died if he had won a smaller amount. Sometimes too much cash is not good for the health.

Seldom, people get too confi­dent and that can also result in a wake-keeping, like that of a man who used his lifetime savings and borrowed extra money to crack the machine with a two-sure that the compiler must compulsory drop or the world will end.

Even the shadows of the numbers or their counterparts were nowhere near the winning numbers. His shock-absorbers crumbled under the weight of the heavy disappointment. He crashed to the floor and started foaming at the mouth. He was de­clared dead on arrival at the nearest clinic.



Recently, there was a countrywide lotto windfall, and in Kumasi it was more than a festival. Most stakers had between ¢30m and ¢40 million on two-sure that the lotto magicians had predicted at least three weeks earlier,

Kejetia chop bars were besieged with overnight millionaires, carrying huge appetites induced by Opeimu Bitters popularly called Opeimu Peters. All the meat and mudfish got sold out within an hour and procure­ment agents had to double up to restock.

While some were celebrating, oth­ers were weeping and gnashing teeth. The problem was that, three weeks beforehand, the two sure numbers were declared by all the lotto sorcer­ers, dreamers, magicians, tellers and all the self-appointed and self-pro­moted forecasters.


Everybody including 10-year-olds, who staked and lost. The following week, they were advised to continue staking. The faithful did continue but the faithless stopped. All of them lost. In the third week or so, a good number of confident stakers had lost faith in the two numbers. That was when the number landed.

So the windfall was for only those who had the unshakeable faith in the numbers. See what faith can do? It can move dollars. Don’t waver, so saith the holy scriptures.

The faithless indeed gnashed teeth. The winners on the other hand cel­ebrated with a song that is as con­troversial as the business of lotto. It is a song played by the group called Nkasei and has something to do with a town in the Brong Ahafo Region called Tuobodom whose capital we hear is Jinijini.

I hear it is a derogatory song and the queen mother of Tuobodom got charged and breathed out electric current during her protest on air. She allegedly ended up demanding a mobile phone from Nkasei so that she could communicate with them to settle the matter peacefully, lest wahala.


Well, the song is rising up the charts and Nkasei are making the dough, but should it be at the ex­pense of a whole townsfolk, their forebears and generations to come?


Waterproof, the famous comedian, was allegedly given hefty slaps at the Kumasi rail station by some Frafra jingoists who felt he was deriding their tribe. And Bob Okala had to run with his tail between his legs when he was confronted and realised that slaps were going to be visited on his lean face.

Let’s not use words and lyrics to cause discomfort to others.


This article was first published on Saturday July 9, 2005

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