
Ransomed Ministries to commemorate 10th anniversary with ‘Total Worship’

Mr Attiemoh addressing the participants

An extraordinarily attractive evangelism laden with gospel music and drama dubbed ‘Total Worship’ has been scheduled for Sep­tember 10 at the Jesus Temple of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Koforidua.

The event with the theme, ‘Jesus Experience’ is the tenth of its kind be­ing organised by Ransomed Ministries, a Christian non-governmental group made up of young devoted Christian ladies and gentlemen dedicated to pointing non-Christians to the Cross of Jesus Christ and encourage believers to have a deeper and closer walk with the Almighty God.

Launching the programme that coin­cided with the 10th anniversary of the group at the ICGC, over the weekend, the President of Ransomed Ministries, Mr Divine Attiemoh said the group’s aim was to propagate the gospel of Christ and pursue social causes which empha­sises the love of Jesus Christ through the medium of music and theatre.

“The group uses gospel music, drama and biblical education to reach out to people especially non-believers to accept Christ as their saviour” he emphasised.


Mr Atiemo said the group, after a careful examination of current trends and how technology has taken every facet of life, decided to rely on gospel music and drama which the youth are fond of nowadays.

According to him, the death of Jesus Christ on the cross many years ago to save mankind was well-known but had not been fully understood and appre­ciated especially by the youth who are familiar to all sorts of music, especially those composed with words that do not conform to the culture of the society and especially Christianity.

Mr Atiemo said it was in that respect that his outfit had decided to rebrand music in the Christian vein and other forms of drama to support the preach­ing of the gospel.

He called on all Christians as well as church leaders to have a good plan to entertain and keep the youth in church.


“There are no Christian entertain­ment centres where the youth can go to refresh their minds and to receive inspiration and motivation from the word of God apart from the routine church service,” he said.

Mr Attiemoh also called on the mayors and city planners to consider and involve the youth in everything concerning the city’s planning and its organisation because it is their time.

He appealed to the youth to shun areas that would lead them into trou­ble, but rather be at the event to meet Jesus Christ in a different way through music.

He said the programme was expected to be one of the largest Christian gath­erings at Koforidua in recent times.


Efe Grace, a renowned gospel musi­cian who is part of the group demon­strated through gospel music the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and called on all to accept Him.

She said this year’s programme was going to be different from all others because it has coincided with the tenth anniversary of the group and there­fore appealed to the youth to attend in their numbers to worship and give thanks to God because that is the way and medium through which “we reach our Maker’s throne.”

 By Spectator Reporter



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