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Short Stories

Sitsofe (Part 3)

As soon as he ended his statement, Sitsofe frowned in disagreement with his father’s decision. He rested his forehead on his arm as he began to stamp his feet on the ground violently.

”Papa I’m not going anywhere. I want to stay right here,” Sitsofe protested loudly. “Stay where? Here? kpao(No). Are you trying to challenge my decision?” Papa Soglo fumed. 

Sitsofe started throwing tantrums. Yawa heard the noise outside and came out to find out what was happening. “Sitsofe, nu ke dzo (what’s the matter)?” Yawa asked worryingly. “It’s Papa, he wants to send me faraway from here,” Sitsofe reported as he ran to stand behind Yawa. Papa Soglo turned and looked elsewhere when his wife arrived. 

“Papa what’s going on?” Yawa turned and asked but Papa Soglo wouldn’t answer. He turned and yelled at Sitsofe to go and start packing his belongings as he pointed his index finger at the door.”Papa I hope what I’ve heard is untrue,” Yawa continued to quiz him suspiciously. 


“That’s exactly what he has told you. What else do you want to hear?” Papa Soglo answered sharply. “But why? to whom? deke o(no),” Yawa protested and pulled a chair to sit beside her husband.

“See woman, you have no right to interfere in whatever decision I take for my son and you must know that a father’s control over his son is far greater than the mother’s. All I can say is that I’m sending him to my cousin to teach him fishing. I owe you no further explanation,” Papa Soglo declared and turned to look elsewhere.

Yawa, who was gripped by shock, got up and said angrily in tears, “So you mean he’s no longer my Son! I have practically nursed this boy when his mother passed away and continued to be a good mother to him. Now he’s not my son? This boy is after my heart. 

Before taking this decision, you should have at least considered the state of my heart. Kpɔ dzime (Look into my heart). I am disappointed in you Soglo. You’re not sending the boy anywhere.” As soon as Yawa landed her statement, Papa Soglo got up and warned Yawa, “Don’t attempt to stop me. As I said, a father’s decision is greater than the mother’s.”


Papa Soglo left with Yawa following him in tears saying, “Soglo you’re not sending the boy anywhere. Then you will kill me first”.

The following day was the day of sorrow. The day of Sitsofe’s departure had arrived. Yawa’s effort to convince Papa Soglo to rescind his decision fell on a rock. Not even her river of tears could appeal to the conscience of her husband. 

Sitsofe’s clothes had already been packed into a wooden box. His half brothers stood in front of their room covered in a thick melancholy. Papa Soglo stood in the middle of the house yelling at Sitsofe to hurry up and come out of the room. 

As soon as Sitsofe came out of the room walking briskly, Yawa ran and held him saying, “Sitsofe you’re going nowhere. This is your father’s house and you belong here.” Running out of patience, Papa Soglo walked quickly and pulled Sitsofe from the grips of Yawa. 


Yawa lost balance and fell on the ground weeping hysterically. Sitsofe’s brothers made an attempt to block their father’s way but were threatened with the swarm of bees at the backyard. With Sitsofe in tears carrying his wooden box, he followed his father sheepishly.

To be continued 

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GFA to hold maiden U-15 Girls Inter-Regional Challenge Cup at Prampram

The Ghana Football Association (GFA) will hold the maiden edition of the U15 Girls Inter-Regional Challenge Cup at its technical centre in Prampram – the Ghanaman Soccer Centre of Excellence.

The Association earlier this month announced that it will be establishing four new age group national teams each for boys and girls to complement the existing ones.

These new national teams will be for developmental purposes to serve as feeder teams for the competitive national teams.

President of the GFA who doubles as Chairman of the National Juvenile Committee, Mr. Kurt. E.S. Okraku, announced that the U15 Girls Inter-Regional Challenge Cup will be held in June, 2024 at Prampram.


The competition will provide a platform for the national team coaches to identify top talents for further development and progression into the appropriate age group national teams.

The Football Association already has the KGL U17 Regional Championship for boys and the U15 Regional Challenge Cup for girls will be the first of its kind in the country.

The new national teams will have U-16, U-18, U-19 and U-21 for Boys and U-16, U-18, U-19, U-21, and U23 for Girls.

The Association is keen on transforming women’s football and making it competitive across all levels, which will have a positive impact on the National teams.


Players from each of the age groups will progress to the relevant next level year after year as they will camp, train and play games locally and Internationally as part of their development.

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Short Stories

Fisherman and wife(Final Part)

The man trembled with fear at every joint. Outside there was a terrible storm. Trees and mountains were shaking. The heaven was completely black, and there was thunder and lightning. In the sea he could see black waves as high as mountains, and they were capped with white crowns of foam. He said:

Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te!
Flounder, flounder, in the sea!
My wife, my wife Ilsebill,
Wants not, wants not, what I will.

“What does she want then,” said the flounder.

“Oh,” he said, “she wants to become like God.”


“Go home. She is sitting in her piss pot again.”

And they are sitting there even today.

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