Smock Hub

Smocks were usually worn in the olden days on august occasionsfor cultural identification but in this current dispensation, one wears it to exhibit glamour on all occasions irrespective of the time.
To keep in balance their fashionhumour, the oldelegantly rock smock products to show class on various occasions while the youth also rock it to suit their fashion humour.
That, notwithstanding Princess Nina , the Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of Smock Hub is promoting the wearing of smock to boost patronage of Smock products as a means of imbibing pride in the wearing of smock products on all occasions.
‘Smock Hub’ by Yintit Production uses artistic craftsmanship in weaving authentic smock products including dresses, kaftans, jumpsuits, handbags, unisex smocks, and fascinators among others.
By Nii Arday Ankrah.