Staying migraine-free with our diet

In this chapter, we will be discussing how we can live a migraine-free life with our diet.
Migraine is a very painful and miserable type of headache. Migraine comes with a pulsating and throbbing pain in one part of the head. Other signs and symptoms include; nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and a high sensitivity to light and sound.
Some people can even tell when they are about to have a migraine because they see flashing light or zigzag lines, or they temporarily lose their vision. Other people may suspect a migraine is coming after they encounter something that commonly cause migraines. Many things can trigger a migraine, including anxiety, stress, lack of food or sleep, exposure to light and hormonal changes in women.
Drugs can help prevent migraine attacks or relieve symptoms of attacks when they happen. Lifestyle changes and nutrition also help a lot in preventing future migraines.
Foods to include
Magnesium rich foods such as oatmeal and sweet potatoes.
Melatonin rich foods such as oats, cherries and sweet corn.
Omega-3 fatty acid rich foods such as flaxseed, salmon, and herrings.
Riboflavin rich foods such as milk, eggs, and lean beef or pork.
Lifestyle modification
Cessation of cigarette smoking.
Moderation of alcohol.
Adequate rest/ sleep; at least 7 hours a night.
Adequate water intake; at least 8 glasses a day.
Adequate stress management.
Avoid very bright light and excessive noise.
Adequate exercise; at least 45 minutes a day for at least three times a week.
When migraines attack, they can distort our whole mood and prevent us from chasing our daily goals. That should never be taken lightly, and active application of the diets and lifestyle modifications mentioned above should be natural habits in our lives, to maintain that peace of mind we all deserve.
The writer Dr Bernice Korkor Asare is the CEO of Holistic Health Consult.
“Your diet your health, your health your wealth”