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The growth of Blue Bloods in Africa

Globally, internet adoption has steadily increased over theyears, and Africa has not been left out. Quite the opposite. Thegrowing young population of the continent and uptake ofinternet and smartphone technology have driven the growthof various industries. According to the Global System forMobile Communications Association (GMSA), Africa will have120 million new mobile subscribers by 2023, reaching newheights of a total of 615 million, corresponding to 50 percentof the region’s population. This digital movement is openingup new possibilities that are giving new forms ofentertainment a chance to thrive, one of which is online sportsbetting. It is fair to say that in the past ten years, sportsbetting has emerged all over Africa, and is expected to growwith the digital economy of the world.

Picking up on trends popular in Europe and North America,and with Africa’s love for sports, it is fast becoming an onlinegaming continent. With accessibility increasing, the questionarises: what’s available and which companies are trusted topave the way for wins for the users?

BetKing’s Entry

No matter their culture, language, political persuasion, socialstatus, or race, people across the African continent have onething in common. The shared love for sports – especiallyFootball. Combine that with a population of 1.3billion people,of which around 70% are youths, and you get a highlydesirable market for sports betting operators. In February2018, BetKing launched in Africa, with its first office in Lagos,Nigeria with a solid mission – to create an efficient systemthat enables the quests of its Kings and Kingmakers byproviding the right technology, radical innovation, anduncompromising service to all customers while at the sametime drive as much impact within communities as possible.


BetKing believes everyone is a king and this is reflected ineverything that makes up the brand; from the colours thatsymbolize royalty and wealth, to its excellent service deliverythat is specially designed for Kings and most importantly, anobjective to grow the Kingdom – one King at a time.

Within four years of operating in Africa, the company hasspread its tentacles to other countries in Africa includingEthiopia, Kenya, and just recently, Ghana. Currently servingmillions of customers across Africa, BetKing fast has become afavourite among punters across Africa – despite having accessto a plethora of other bookmakers.

So, what then, has accounted for BetKing’s success acrossAfrica, and to be the platform of choice?

Transforming lives through sports entertainment


A look at the company’s activities would send a clear message–BetKing Cares. Across all markets, BetKing, unlike anyother business, is known as a company that providesentertainment for individuals but is also known forempowerment, transforming lives, and the positive impact thebrand brings to individuals and communities. The company’sgoal is to change the face of sports betting in Africa and indoing so, BetKing remains committed to initiatives thatimprove the conditions of the societies they operate. This hascome to life through various initiatives that cut across –entrepreneurship and employment, sports development, andenvironmental sustainability, to mention a few.

Under the company’s CSR initiative BetKing Cares, whichserves as the cornerstone of the organization’s commitment topositively affecting lives both within and outside of thecommunities it operates in over the past four years, BetKinghas made significant contributions to the socio-economictransformation of Nigeria, Kenya and Ethiopia. In Nigeria, thecompany rolled out a ‘Month of Good’ initiative designed topositively impact communities. Through collaborations withtwo well-known non-governmental organizations (NGOs) -Market Doctors and the African Clean-Up Initiative (ACI), thecampaign supported medical outreach impacting hundreds ofpeople in significant cities like Lagos, Ibadan, Abuja, Benin,Enugu, Port Harcourt, and Anambra, as well as beachfrontand drainage clean-up initiatives in some of these cities.

In 2020, the Ethiopian Premier League heralded a new era inEthiopian football with the backing of BetKing andMultiChoice. The investment and partnership aimed toprovide international exposure to the league by givingEthiopian football players a platform through which to putEthiopia on the world football map. In Kenya, BetKinginvested in the renovation of Dagoretti Youth CommunityCentre based in Nairobi’s Kawangware slums.

The Making of ‘Kings’ and ‘Kingmakers’


BetKing’s agent network has enabled thousands of individualsto own their businesses and become their own boss. Theenterprise has enabled the youth amongst these fans to viewsports betting as a business rather than just a game. Thisopportunity creates direct & indirect employment incommunities and the ripple effect leaves a positive impact onthe economy. The agent network has proven invaluable for theyouths involved and most individuals have gone further totestify that the business has a positive impact on theirstandard of living, and soci0- economic well-being. Asidefrom giving thousands of youths the chance to work forthemselves, the company invests in ability building for itsnetwork of agents. A recent collaboration between BetKingand DSTV would offer new agents complimentary DSTVequipment and subscription which reduces setup costs anddrives customer engagement.

BetKing’s unique approach to customer experience and CSRefforts combined with its offer of the biggest odds-on majorleagues with exciting markets across several sports and virtualgames has powered its rapid growth in Africa in just fouryears.

The expansion to Ghana

BetKing’s agenda is not for Nigeria, Kenya and Ethiopia alone.BetKing is dedicated to changing the face of sports betting inthe whole of Africa – including Ghana. On August 6, 2022,BetKing officially launched in Ghana with a high-levelstakeholder event that presented an opportunity for the brandto reiterate its plans for the Ghanaian market. The Head ofPolicy for the Sports Ministry, Mohammed Sannie Adams, theCommissioner of the Gaming Commission of Ghana, PeterMireku, former Black Stars – Asamoah Gyan, John Paintsiland Samuel Kaffour; the media, and key players from thesports industry were all present at the event, which was heldat MultiChoice Ghana Limited.


As seen in recent years, there is a unique opportunity andtalent in the country to grow Ghana into a world-class sportsecosystem and BetKing hopes to play a major role in thisjourney – with a more dedicated focus on youth. Sincedifferent markets, regions, and communities have differentneeds as opposed to a one size fits all approach, the company’sstrategy is to gain insights into communities in Ghana tounderstand what they need and how BetKing can supportthem. BetKing aims to reach underserved communities toguarantee inclusion for all. As part of the company’s plans,BetKing aims to develop entertainment centres while cateringto their needs and overall ensure value is delivered in animpactful and sustainable way.

Positively affecting communities and bringing excellentresponsible gaming & compliance standards stays BetKing’scollective commitment to sports fans across Ghana andbeyond – and helps ensure sports betting continues to be anexciting, engaging, entertaining, but most of all, impactful ifnot a life-changing experience.

By Gossy Ukanwoke, Managing Director forKingmakers 

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The Prophet part 4

Antobam woke up with a terri­ble headache. He checked the time on his mobile phone, 2:30 am. “What! Where is the money?” He asked aloud. “Where are those girls? Why did I drink so much of that whisky? What were those two girls up to?” He sat up on the bed and noticed a bulge close to the pillow.

He lifted the mattress and picked up the newspaper wrappers with the neatly arranged notes. He saw the neatly written record of the value of the notes. No, those girls are not thieves.

“It was my mistake. If I hadn’t drank myself to sleep they would be here in bed with me, giving me the time of my life. Pretty girls, those two. And so loyal and honest. Tomorrow will be different.”

“I will not drink any whisky, and I will show them that I am a real man. Just then he heard the whis­pers. Very soon it will be time, they seemed to be saying. This is an important day.”


The gold dealer will bring lots of money. Give him some of the liquid to drink, and we will prepare him. He will do very big business, and he will give you anything you ask for. There will be more miracles and testimonies today.

Antobam smiled to himself. “I am going to be a very rich man in only a few days man. Money, power, and women. Wow! Antobam got to the grounds at 5, but there were quite a number of people waiting.

Mr Kwame Dofu was among them. He greeted them all, and they came around to shake his hand. “My brothers and sisters, I assure you that whatever your problem is, you will not go home without a solu­tion.” Shouts of “Amen” “thank” you Osofo and “you are a true man of God” responded.

“Please take your seats, and start talking to the great one about what­ever bothers you. Before the service is over, there will be a solution.” He waved Mr Dofu over, and went with him to the wooden structure that serves as a temporary office.


“My brother, I have done quite a lot of work on the issue you came to see me about. I have prepared a special, powerful package for you. Take this, drink it, and go back to your business. I want to see you in two weeks.”

Beaming with smiles, Mr Dofu drank the foul smelling liquid in two gulps, said a big thank you to Anto­bam and took his leave. “I believe you, Papa Osofo. And I assure you that I will reward you, big time.”

Just when Osofo Antubam finished with Mr Dofu, Mary and Suzzie went over to him. “Good Morning ladies. I am very sorry about yesterday. I drank too much of the stuff you gave me. Today will be different, I assure you.”

“Don’t worry, Osofo. Since you are now setting things up, our main concern now is to help you to put things in place, and to make you comfortable. We are always there to serve you. This morning, Osofo, we want to go and clean up your place, and prepare something nice for you when you close.


And before coming to church, we will pass by the bank and collect the forms. After you have signed them, the account will be open. You can check the payments anytime and, of course, issue cheques whenever you need money.”

“Suzzie and Mary, I am happy I picked the two of you from the very start. Listen, I will take good care of you, okay? Here is some money. Buy whatever you need for the er­rands you have mentioned.

And here is the key. Please come back as early as you can. You know I need you here.” The service was very lively. The lively singing of praise songs was followed by one and a half hours of testimonies.

Most of them related to money – big sales, new jobs and overdue debts paid. But there were also testimonies about healing. Barren women had taken seed, and, of course, several men who had lost their bedroom authority had re­gained them, to the delight of their partners.


As he had promised, Antobam preached for only 30 minutes, ex­horting the congregation to attend church regularly, pay their tithes and offerings, and strictly follow his ‘directions’ for securing solutions to their problems.

After another round of prais­es during which the congregation danced to the floor to drop their offering, he closed the service, grabbed the big bowl which was full to the brim with money, and moved to his desk. A long queue was quick­ly formed at the desk.

Meanwhile, Mary and Suzzie had gone to give Antobam’s place quite a decent look. A new bedsheet and pillows, a secondhand carpet and four plastic chairs placed in the verandah had done the trick.

They also prepared two fish and chicken stews. After all these, they rushed to the National Savings Bank and collected application forms for opening current and savings ac­counts.


They joined the service a few minutes before the main session closed. Antobam looked round and saw, to his relief, Mary and Suzzie moving towards him. “Hello ladies. What have you been up to?” “Quite a bit, Osofo. We’ve just collected your drink. Here you are. We’ve made a few changes at your place. I think you will like it. You will also have something nice to eat. Now, here are the forms for the savings and current accounts.

If you will sign them, the bank will open the account. From today, we can pay all monies direct into the account.” ‘How can I thank you, ladies?” “You don’t need to thank us,” Suzzie said. “It is our duty to help a man of God succeed.” “Okay, my ladies, please take the offerings and count them as you did yester­day.

You can add the payments made after the consultations. Will it be possible to pay them into the account today?” “Yes,” Mary said. “The bank closes at four. If we leave here at three, we would be there just in time.”

The two friends started counting, as Osofo Antobam gave his clients his directions for solving their prob­lems. On quite a few occasions he closed his eyes as if he was receiv­ing direction from above on what to do.


But as the fetish priest at the Nana Kofi Broni shrine and the dwarfs had assured him, the solu­tions would certainly be provided. Having heard the huge testimonies earlier in the day, the clients parted with substantial sums of money in expectation.

By Ekow de Heer

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The issue of spiritual father in our churches

 A student was supposed to go to school as the natural cause of events should be when universities or schools in general opens but this was not the case in a certain young man’s life.

He decided to postpone his trip because apparently he could not get to meet his pastor, his spiritual father. The question is, should this spiritual father die, will the young man’s life come to an end?

Does it mean in such an instance, he is going to curtail his education? This is a wor­rying trend in a lot of church­es where the pastors use this notion of spiritual father to manipulate members espe­cially the youth.

Some unscrupulous pastors utilise this spiritual father concept to have affairs with gullible young ladies in their churches.


Now with homosexuality gradually making inroads into some of the churches, young men are becoming vulnerable to pastors who have hidden homosexual inclinations.

This spiritual father con­cept is a Biblical concept that runs through both the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. We see it in 2 Kings 4:12 where Gehazi is serving Elisha and also in the New Testament we see Paul relating to Timothy in 1 Timo­thy 1:2 as a Spiritual Father.

In fact, the concept of spiritual father is a good thing if executed according to the word of God since it helps in guiding the younger ones. However, it becomes prob­lematic when it is being exe­cuted by unscrupulous wolves in sheepskins as described by Jesus in Mathew 7:15.

I see it as a way that these unscrupulous so-called men of God maintain their hold on the congregants so they do not question their unchristian actions.


One of the things I have observed since I got born again many years ago is that, any pastor who often insists that members recognise that he is their spiritual father is a warning sign that he is doing some wrong things or is about to indulge in some wrong things.

A parent complained about how his daughter was being influenced by a pastor of the church she attends and how worried he was. I am sure there are many parents out there with stories to tell about how their wards are be­ing made to see their pastors almost like their Jesus.

These pastors have man­aged to make their congre­gants so loyal to them and to believe in them so much that it is terrifying, as a parent.

The way things are going, an immediate intervention is required otherwise I am not a prophet of doom but I forsee unfortunate instances where parents burst into church auditoriums and star shooting some Pastors out of frustra­tion and anger.


We cannot look on uncon­cerned as a society and allow unscrupulous fraudsters using the name of God to create problems for families. My recommendation is for a cer­tain amount of regulation in order to bring some sanity in religious practices.

I agree that ordinarily regulating religious practices makes it a bit restrictive in terms of freedom of worship as enshrined in our constitu­tion but given the way things are going, a bit of regulation will not be out of place.

Disgusting stuff are being attributed to some men of God. There are cases of ma­nipulation of young ladies and sometimes married women by so called men of God and it is bringing Christianity and therefore the name of the Lord into disrepute.

Christianity is gradually losing its attractiveness as a result of the negative report­age resulting from disgusting stuff happening in Christian circles. The way some pas­tors have been manipulating congregants to take money from them leaves much to be desired to the point where they are convincing some of the youth to give out their phones. May God help us.


By Laud Kissi-Mensah 

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