This Plantain bread is really tasty, inexpensive and so easy to make. Plantain bread is an easy recipe that uses normal ingredients, quick to prepare, and...
This food is very popular in the Northern part of Ghana. Wagashi does not melt at high temperatures, however, when fried it has a soft and...
Ingredients150grammes of margarine250 grammes of carrots200 grammes sugar200grammes flour1.5 tablespoonful of cinnamon2 tablespoonfuls of baking powder2 big eggs125grammes of sultanas50grammes of nuts Health benefits of carrot...
The immune system consists of organs, cells, tissues, and proteins. Together, these carry out bodily processes that fight off pathogens, which are the viruses, bacteria, and...
It is interesting to note that: CRI-Vern Gracen, CRI-AGRA SP09, CRI-AGRA SP13 and CRI-Kofi Annan, all improved high-yielding, non-sweet sweet potatoes varieties, were released in 2017....
When a non- Ghanaian comes on a tour and asks for our local dishes, one will not hesitate to mention the likes of fufu, banku, waakye,...
Ingredients 1 cup of rice 50grammes of butter 1 heaped tablespoonful of caster sugar 1 table spoonful of ground cinnamon 6 cardamom pods , shelled and...
Ingredients 2 tablespoonfuls of vegetable oil 1 medium yellow onion, diced 4 cloves of garlic, minced 4 teaspoonfuls of curry powder 1 ½ teaspoonfuls of paprika...
Ingredients 3 cups of cooked rice 2 tablespoonfuls of cooking oil Sausage (optional) Cooked chicken pieces 2 pieces of onions carrots Spring onions Green pepper Chilli...
Chicken cheese salad is the ultimate recipe for all the fitness freaks. It has loads of protein in the form of chicken and cheese. Also, it...