• Love is selfless Many couples forgo premarital counseling. They feel like their love is “strong enough” to forgo any possible relationship landmines hidden in that...
Talk to someone Have you ever tried talking to a friend about your struggle to open up? Sharing your struggles can make the burden lighter and...
PLAY FAIR If they’re opening up to you, why would it be fair to hold everything back? You’re not being equal with one another. They’re doing...
Be friends first Those who tend to be emotionally distant have the worst commitment and trust issues. So if you want to learn how to be...
You can’t be distant if you want to find love otherwise it will never work. This is why you need to learn how to be emotionally...
Self-improvements in bed. Let’s not call them problems. Call them self-improvements and relationship improvements if you must. Never push problems in the bedroom under the carpet....
What would you like to eat? Even if your lover isn’t passionate about cooking, they’d at least appreciate good food. Talk about new restaurants or places...
Almost all of these conversation ideas can be repeated several times, in your together time. The best part about these relationship topics is that your partner...
Your overall chattiness Whenever you’re together, he acts as if he is generally annoyed and ends up rambling about something he’s not even the least interested...
Your girly products and clothes around his home. They may take up a lot of space in his abode; but he knows that they are yours....