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Health Essentials

Getting in shape for Christmas

Christmas decorations are already out and had it not been for the “thrill” of an upcoming election, Christmas carols would have taken over our airwaves. Very soon even the die-hard exercise fanat­ics will be so busy doing NOTHING that time to exercise or stay fit is as close to zero as practically possible. This zero is a figure that the Ghana AIDS Commission would certainly be envious of but we continue to make strides there as well and hopefully in the not too distant future we will achieve that.

We all wish our favourite exercis­es will give us the same benefits as all other exercises but the truth is that some exercises are “more equal than others” just as happens in every aspect of life.

This does not mean if you are unable to perform the most effective exercises, you should exert yourself and cause injury to your body. Re­member, Cobba’s First Law of Exercis­ing is “DO NO HARM”.

These exercises may just help you stay afloat this Christmas:


• Squats

• Plank

• Push-Ups

• Walking & Dancing


Don’t short-change yourself on these MUST DOs:

• Smiling; it costs nothing but gives you the world

• Sleep; can’t overemphasize this

• Give your neck a break and stretch it gently everyday


• Breathe; deep belly breathing is always a blast


Every single rep (repetition) in this exercise is worth the effort.

Squats target the quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteals, which in simple language refers to the thigh muscles and buttocks.


It is important to learn the right technique and since it exercises large muscle groups, you are able to burn a lot of calories with squats.

In every exercise session, it is important to work large mus­cles before the smaller ones.


1. Keep feet, shoulder width apart


2. Back should be straight (standing posture)

3. Bend knees and lower your rear till your thighs are hori­zontal.

4. Return to the standing position

5. Repeat steps 1-4


6. Remember to stretch the muscles used after the exercise.

If you have difficulty following the steps above, place a chair be­hind you and with your back straight try to sit on it. Do not let your buttocks touch the seat, then return to the standing position and repeat. As your technique improves, you may remove the chair.

As one gets stronger you may even carry some weights while doing squats but as always start with cau­tion. You may do only 3 reps at a time (properly). Gradually add some more. You can modify the effects of squats by widening the space between your feet or even having your heels on a slightly elevated surface.

When to avoid squats


• Severe knee pain irrespective of cause

• Knee injury even if no longer painful (you will need professional supervision)

• Acute back pain (you will later do back slides which is similar to squats and helps strengthen back muscles)

This exercise benefits almost everyone with a lifestyle disease. Hypertensives (those with high blood pressure) even get a bonus since it causes peripheral pooling of blood and helps to lower the blood pressure over time.



Arguably the safest ex­ercise for strengthening abdominal muscles and also has the added benefit of strengthening lower back muscles. Especially for people who sit for long hours (you shouldn’t anyway) this is great news for helping your back.

1. Start by getting into a push-up position

2. Bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms and not on your hands


3. Support your lower body on your toes

4. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles just like a plank of wood

5. Engage your core (midsec­tion) by sucking your belly button into your spine

6. Hold this position for the prescribed time. This may vary from 5 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat.


Push-ups (press-ups)

This is probably the first exercise most people try out; well apart from laughter and walking I presume and everyone is familiar with it.

Go ahead and squeeze a minute a day in there.

Walking & dancing


Before you set out to exer­cise your muscles remember to walk at least a minute before you start and a minute after you are done.

You may even walk while in one place, what matters is moving your legs and arms and getting your heart to pump.

Use every opportunity during the day to:

• use the stairs instead of the elevator


• walk while you talk on your cell phone

• Walk to a colleague’s desk at the office instead of using the phone or sending someone else.

• Pick your own stuff for cooking instead of sitting and getting people to assist with even the trivial errands

• Dance with your heart when­ever you have a chance; during your Christmas programmes, while watch­ing TV and even while you take a shower.


A minute each for Squats, Planks and Push-ups and two minutes of walking, then repeat the whole pro­cess (circuit training) two more times with no rest periods or 30 second rest periods depending on your level of fitness. Start now and make this your routine morning, afternoon or evening and it may just be enough to help you sail through the holiday season and start the New Year in your best shape ever.


Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel

Health Essentials Ltd (HE&W Group)


(dressel@healthessentialsgh. com)

*Dr. Essel is a Medical Doctor with a keen interest in Lifestyle Medicine, He holds an MBA and is an ISSA Specialist in Exercise Therapy, Fitness Nutrition and Corrective Exercise. He is the author of the award-winning book, ‘Unravelling The Essen­tials of Health & Wealth.’

Thought for the week – “For heart health you need to relax and have fun as well; schedule time for leisure, laugh often, learn to breathe deeply and maybe get a pet.”



• The Gym Bible


• 30dayfitnesschal­

By Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel

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Health Essentials

Making the most of your visit to the doctor

A doctor and a patient in a consulting room
A doctor and a patient in a consulting room

Very often we leave the doctor’s office only to remember that we left out a major complaint. Some patients immediately rush back to the consulting room totally oblivious of the privacy that the next patient is entitled to. They expect that as they walk in, the doctor should ignore the seated or positioned patient and attend to them. That is totally outrageous. Others go home and continue to live with the condition hoping to be healed miraculously.

Most of us will be extremely lucky to spend fifteen (15) minutes with our doctor and this time is often much shorter in countries/communities where the doctor-patient ratio is so low that at best it can be described as criminal.

We are still in the first quarter of 2025, and I highly recommend that you see a doctor not only when you are unwell but as a means to assess your state of wellbeing and take the needed precautions.

To make the most out of our time with the doctor we need to PREPARE. If your condition is an emergency, then you do not have the benefit of time to prepare.


A must do!

Kindly ensure your personal hygiene is excellent.

  • Take a good bath and brush your teeth
  • Wear clean clothes that also make undressing easy, especially if you need to expose some areas for inspection/examination.

This may sound ridiculous, but the opposite does happen in real life.

Remember that doctors are human and when you are unkempt you may not get adequate contact with your doctor.

Research on the symptoms


If you have access to the internet or a book worth its salt you may read about your symptoms or wait to read after your doctor tells you your diagnosis.

Remember that if you need to research on the internet, it is essential that you use a reputable site.

In tune with your complaints

  1. Write down your complaints/symptoms if you think you may forget
  2. If you have had a similar problem and have the results of any investigations e.g. Laboratory tests, x-rays, CT scans etc kindly carry them along
  3. Let your doctor know if you react to any drugs
  4. Be truthful about any medications you have taken for the condition, if you do not remember the names make sure you go with the containers
  5. If you have any other medical conditions (and medication) make the doctor aware
  6. Remember to make a note of the following
    1. When did the symptoms/complaint begin?
    1. How long have you had these symptoms?
    1. Is it getting worse?
    1. Does anything make the condition worse?
    1. What makes you feel better?
    1. Is anything related to their onset?
    1. How often does it occur?
    1. How long does it last e.g. in pain conditions as well as rash, allergies etc
    1. Does anyone else in your family have them?
    1. How do they affect your daily life?
    1. Is it related to work or home?

You may need to modify these slightly when you have skin lesions, swellings etc. This list is by no means exhaustive, and you may not need to find answers to all of them before getting help, but they will definitely help you ace the visit to your doctor.

If your doctor books you for surgery, do not leave his presence without finding out the following:

  1. Will you go home on the same day of the surgery?
  2. Will you need assistance to go home or can you drive unsupervised for instance
  3. What form of anaesthesia will you be given?

Then, if your visit is for a medical examination, do remember that also being aware of disease conditions in your family will help your doctor select the appropriate tests and make the whole experience and time useful.

See you in the consulting room soon.


Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel

Health Essentials Ltd (HE&W Group)



*Dr. Essel is a Medical Doctor with a keen interest in Lifestyle Medicine, He holds an MBA and is an ISSA Specialist in Exercise Therapy, Fitness Nutrition and Corrective Exercise. He is the author of the award-winning book, ‘Unravelling The Essentials of Health & Wealth.’

Thought for the week – “The next big thing in Healthcare in Ghana is the Medics Clinic. Visit for more information.”



By Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel

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Health Essentials

This Valentine’s weekend renew your energy

t is quite common to hear people complain about a lack of energy, fatigue, foggy brain and a host of others. The real danger is the acci­dents and errors that this situation may cause, and quite often many people suffer the consequences.

There is NO quick fix for renewing your energy, but it doesn’t take an effort akin to manning a spaceship to achieve this. Over the past few years, I have been a huge proponent of Greenscription. This essentially in­volves PRESCRIBING everyday lifestyle modifications that make us the best version of ourselves. Definitely every human will occasionally have a bad day, but we can minimise these and enjoy life.

Yes, you may need a supplement sometimes or require medication to correct or treat a condition, but we will all feel more energised if we practice the steps below. Remember “one healthy choice is ALWAYS fol­lowed by another”, start slowly and add on. We all have what it takes.

enjoying sunlight

1. Learn new things: yes, we all need to. Avoid rut. What are you learning now?

2. Simplify things: no need to complicate things. If it appears too complicated its either you don’t understand it or you are on the wrong path


3. Think positively: your cells are listening to you at all times. Speak positive words

4. Eat healthy food: we are what we eat. I am sure people pow­ered by unhealthy, refined food-like substances is definitely the wrong “fuel”

a. I believe you know water is an essential component of your food. Drink adequate amounts.

5. Socialise: we are no islands. DO NOT isolate yourselves. We derive energy from people but avoid energy sappers. They will drain you to death.


6. Meditate: allow your brain to rest

7. Move and play: Exercise and play happen to be one of the few things that provide instant results. When did you last take a walk out­doors or join friends to play a game of table tennis or other.

8. Be grateful: Gratitude ap­pears too simple to be real BUT it is a game changer

9. Enjoy sunlight: very few things beat sunlight. Little wonder seasons with limited sunlight have high numbers of people with mental health challenges


10. Spend time in nature: the sound of water, rocks, greenery. They have amazing benefits. Spend time in nature and do it often. You may even create your own at home or at the workplace.

11. Music is life; but it needs to be the right type.

12. Get enough sleep: It all starts with Sleep, and it ought to be restful. If you have sleep apnoea you may be doing yourself a disfavour. If you snore, talk to your doctor and get the appropriate tests done.

13. REST – Even the Almighty God rested. Not because He needed it BUT he had to set an example for us. Sometimes we just need to sit and “do nothing” or get creative or cut out the noise.


Do put these into practice and next week we will delve into what we need to avoid to remain energised.

This Valentine’s weekend, renew your energy and continue with the tips that will ensure you remain the best version of yourself.


Dr Kojo Cobba Essel


Health Essentials Ltd (HE&W Group)

(dressel@healthessentialsgh. com)

*Dr. Essel is a Medical Doctor with a keen interest in Lifestyle Medicine, He holds an MBA and is an ISSA Specialist in Exercise Therapy, Fitness Nutrition and Corrective Exercise. He is the author of the award-winning book, ‘Unravelling The Essentials of Health & Wealth.’

Thought for the week – “The next big thing in Healthcare in Gha­na is the Medics Clinic from Medics Group & Health Essentials. Send me an email at dressel@healthessen­ for more information.”



1. Culled from Mental Health on LinkedIn

By Dr Kojo Cobba Essel

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