Obaa Yaa
I’m afraid my mum will reject her
Dear Obaa Yaa,
I am a young man of 35 years of age. I met a woman who is also in her 30s three years ago at a friend’s wedding. We have been dating since then.
She is a very intelligent lady, humble, hardworking and every man’s dream girl.
I proposed to her and I must say the lady loves me so much.
I want to take the relationship to a different level. However, my mother does not support my decision because she dislikes her tribe.
The only barrier is that she comes from a tribe which my mother advised me against. Due to that, I have not been bold enough to mention her tribe to my mother.
I really wish to introduce her formally to my parents but I am scared of what my mother will say. How do I go about it? I need your advice.
Israel, Accra
Dear Israel,
Having someone who makes you happy is a good thing.
From your own words, your girlfriend is loving and caring and possesses all these admirable qualities. I think you should count yourself lucky and blessed to have gotten a woman in this present day with such pleasant qualities.
And it is obvious that you really love her; so I will advise that you tell your parents the truth about her tribe.
Her tribe should not be a hindrance at all if she is a good woman.
She will definitely win the heart of your mother if she is a good woman as you portray her to be.
Moreover, you can talk to your mother about how good she is and explain to her why you need her as your future wife.
Obaa Yaa
He squats like a girl to urinate
Dear Obaa Yaa,
I am a single parent trying to raise my three children – two girls and a boy aged six, five and two.
I am not worried about money to take care for them because I am gainfully employed. The problem is that my little boy has not been urinating in the manner males do.
He has been squatting like how females do. I don’t know how to teach him since he does not allow me.
How do I handle such a situation?
Sandra, Sunyani.
Dear Freda,
Your boy is simply imitating his sisters and he is used to squatting while urinating.
This is not an issue you should be worried about. Continue to educate him that boys don’t squat; rather they stand and urinate.
When he grows up and sees his peers standing up to urinate, he’d learn to do the same.
Don’t get worried. Little kids change over time.
Obaa Yaa
Is he cheating on me?
Dear Obaa Yaa,
My husband and I have been together for six years now. Recently when he came from town I asked him for money to buy something.
He directed me to bring the trousers but he later changed his mind and reached for the trousers himself.
Interestingly, I got the trousers first and when I removed his wallet, it came out together with a condom.
I asked him what he was doing with the condom because we don’t use it at home.
He told me to stop worrying him about it and never answered the question.
Esi Atta,
Dear Esi,
I AM afraid your husband might be cheating on you, but be thankful that he always has a condom in hand.
Try and discuss your fears with him and give him more attention.
Maybe he is not getting enough satisfaction at home and wants to go a bit extra-marital.
I hope you would not be too pissed off though. Take it cool, discuss the problem, and I believe that once he has been exposed, he would take steps to change.
But as I stated earlier, be thankful that he is a fan of condoms.