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Obaa Yaa

My sisters disapprove of my girlfriend

Dear Obaa Yaa,

Though we attended different universities, we were good friends and maintained the friendship until we completed school.

Having   known each other for a long time, we got attached to each other and could not resist the idea to marry.

 During the course of our dating, she used to visit me at home and this made it possible for my family to know her better.


On many occasions, she spent some time with my sisters in the house, even on occasions l was not at home, they discovered that she was not a good lady for me to marry.

They complained that she was lazy, would not wash dishes after her meals, failed to tidy up her surroundings among others.   

My sisters added that she was not courteous and lacked manners. l was surprised to hear these complaints from them.

l believe the complaints were genuine because they were happy when l introduced her to the family the first time. What should l do?      


John, Takoradi.

Dear John,

You are fortunate to discover such character traits in your fiancé at this stage before you take any definite decision in your relationship.

That is why the youth are always advised not to indulge in sexual intercourse during dating, since this has the tendency to possibly cloud your reasoning when faced with the challenge to make certain decisions in a relationship.


Since your sisters have failed in helping her to change her behaviour, l don’t know whether your intervention can help in this case. You are being cautioned about the dangers inherent in such a marriage and the possibility to reconsider your decision.

If you are able to change her character to suit your desire, then you can go ahead to marry her.

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Obaa Yaa

He squats like a girl to urinate

Dear Obaa Yaa,

I am a single parent trying to raise my three children – two girls and a boy aged six, five and two.

I am not worried about money to take care for them because I am gainfully employed. The problem is that my little boy has not been uri­nating in the manner males do.

He has been squatting like how fe­males do. I don’t know how to teach him since he does not allow me.


How do I handle such a situation?

Sandra, Sunyani.

Dear Freda,

Your boy is simply imitating his sisters and he is used to squat­ting while urinating.


This is not an issue you should be worried about. Continue to educate him that boys don’t squat; rather they stand and urinate.

When he grows up and sees his peers standing up to urinate, he’d learn to do the same.

Don’t get worried. Little kids change over time.

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Obaa Yaa

 Is he cheating on me?

 Dear Obaa Yaa,

My husband and I have been together for six years now. Recently when he came from town I asked him for money to buy something.

He directed me to bring the trousers but he later changed his mind and reached for the trousers himself.

Interestingly, I got the trou­sers first and when I removed his wallet, it came out together with a condom.


I asked him what he was doing with the condom because we don’t use it at home.

He told me to stop worrying him about it and never answered the question.

Esi Atta,



Dear Esi,

I AM afraid your husband might be cheating on you, but be thankful that he always has a condom in hand.

Try and discuss your fears with him and give him more attention.

Maybe he is not getting enough satisfaction at home and wants to go a bit extra-marital.


I hope you would not be too pissed off though. Take it cool, discuss the problem, and I believe that once he has been exposed, he would take steps to change.

But as I stated earlier, be thank­ful that he is a fan of condoms.

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