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National Unity Is What We Need

One Important Thing That Is Necessary For The Development Of This Country Is Unity On The Part Of Everyone In Order To Ensure That We Are Able To Get To Our Des­tination Socially, Economically And Politically.

Division In Any Form Must Be Es­chewed By Everyone And All Groups Of People.

We All Need To Study The Purpose Of Peace As A Vehicle For Socioeco­nomic Development In The Country.

It Is, Indeed, Very Surprising That We Hear Of Conflicts, Disagreements And Fighting In Different Parts Of The Country. Such Negative Tendencies Ought To Be Avoided So That Together We Can Live In Peace And Harmony.


Any Time We Allow Divisions To Occur Among Our People, The Clock Of Progress Becomes Retarded.

In Our Socioeconomic Dispensa­tion, We Expect Our Chieftaincy In­stitutions To Unite And Come Togeth­er For A Common Purpose. Our Chiefs And Elders Must Always Support The Truth And Refrain From Intervening In Matters That Could Go Against The Travesty Of Justice.

At The Same Time, All Ghanaians Must First See Themselves As Belong­ing To The Country First And Foremost Before Any Other Considerations.

Our Identity As Ghanaians Must Run Paramount To Any Other Things In The Country.


We Also Expect People Of Various Faiths To See Themselves As One Peo­ple With A Common Destiny.

If This Is Done, Unnecessary Dis­agreements And Conflicts Would Not Occur.

This Explains Why Various Ethnic Conflicts In Different Parts Of The Country Should Be Seen As Needless. These Conflicts Do Not Promote So­cioeconomic Development.

It Is Also Important To Note That Political Actors Must See Themselves As Friends Or Brothers And Sisters But Not Enemies. Each Political Group Must Feel Free To Come Out With Its Ideas Without Fear Or Favour.


It Is Also Important For These Po­litical Parties To Refrain From Insults And Atrocious Attacks.

They Must Come Out With Pro­grammes That Are Convincing Enough To Influence People For Their Votes

Ghana Is A Beautiful Country That Must Be Maintained As Such For The Present And Future Generations. The Children Yet Unborn Must All Come To Experience The Culture Of Unity So That As One People, We Will Be Able To Attain National Progress, Develop­ment And Unity.

We All Have A Responsibility To­wards This Purpose. For This Reason, We Must All Be Responsible Towards Each Other In A Peaceful And Cordial Manner.


Our Parliamentarians Are Includ­ed In This Desire Even In The Light Of Enjoyment Of Parliamentary Immu­nity, Which Can Exempt Them From Certain Sanctions. Let Each Of Us Work Hard Towards The Attainment Of Unity, This Invaluable Ingredient Of National Development, For The Positive Transformation Of This Noble Country.

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 Make Heritage Day celebration compulsory for workers

 Dear Editor,

I want to use this platform to suggest that the celebration of Heritage Month is declared compulsory, especially for workers in state agencies.

It is very interesting watching broadcasters adorned in diverse tra­ditional regalia on our screens, tell­ing the stories of the various tribes in the country.

But away from the television sets, there is practically nothing to see in town suggesting the celebration of such an important activity.


Once in the month, we also see our school children celebrating the event by dressing to depict where they come from.

But just as was done with the Chocolate Day celebration, I wish to suggest that workers in state agencies are forced to partake in the event. Within that month, every working staff should be made to dress in African prints or ones that would show where they come from.

That, to a large extent would give people a lot of education about their ancestry and their cultural values.

I have a few friends that are Gas from the Greater Accra region but because their parents stayed in other regions and gave birth to them outside Accra, they have little or no idea about where they actually come from.


Some of these activities would go a long way to educate such people to know their real homes.

I expect the Ministry of Tourism to play an active role in the success of this exercise.

Stella Twum,

Central Region

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 Make Heritage Day celebration compulsory for workers

 Dear Editor,

I want to use this platform to suggest that the celebration of Heritage Month is declared compulsory, especially for workers in state agencies.

It is very interesting watching broadcasters adorned in diverse tra­ditional regalia on our screens, tell­ing the stories of the various tribes in the country.

But away from the television sets, there is practically nothing to see in town suggesting the celebration of such an important activity.


Once in the month, we also see our school children celebrating the event by dressing to depict where they come from.

But just as was done with the Chocolate Day celebration, I wish to suggest that workers in state agencies are forced to partake in the event. Within that month, every working staff should be made to dress in African prints or ones that would show where they come from.

That, to a large extent would give people a lot of education about their ancestry and their cultural values.

I have a few friends that are Gas from the Greater Accra region but because their parents stayed in other regions and gave birth to them outside Accra, they have little or no idea about where they actually come from.


Some of these activities would go a long way to educate such people to know their real homes.

I expect the Ministry of Tourism to play an active role in the success of this exercise.

Stella Twum,

Central Region

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