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Danger posed by unreasonable fear of COVID-19

The recent death of a student at KNUST SHS, Kumasi, has painfully brought home the need to urgently deal with unnecessary fear of COVID-19.  The fear of this pandemic, if not properly and immediately addressed, would result in a lot of preventable deaths. 

I cannot begin to imagine the pain the parents of this deceased young man are going through.  As a parent with two children at the same level, my preoccupation with this story is understandable because it could happen to anybody. 

Imagine your child is not sick and you are suddenly informed that he had passed away; if you are not mentally strong, you can go mad or get a heart attack.  All because people who should have known better and demonstrated compassion as the ethics of their profession demands, were rather paralysed by fear and to some extent “wicked” indifference, leading to the death of an innocent student.

The relevance of my article published two weeks ago about recruitment is clearly borne out by this sad incident.  Until we pay attention to proper recruitment systems so that we recruit the right people into our public and civil service, even in the private sector, these are the horrible things we are likely to experience as a nation.


The life of a young man just cut short simply due to the suspicion that he was suffering from COVID-19 and the fear that if the people around him tried to help him they may contract the disease.  

The video that was shown on TV revealing the attitude of some teachers standing nearby as some students tried to assist their friend who was suffering, demonstrates a certain lack of compassion which is very strange in people who are in the teaching profession.

The average teacher would quickly call for an ambulance or a taxi and dispatch the victim to the nearest hospital with speed.

Whether through ignorance or sensationalism, COVID-19 has been made to be viewed as a dangerous disease that can easily kill and, therefore, people are so afraid of it.  The little I have read about this disease shows that it is not as dangerous as we perceive it to be and that when one observes the prescribed protocol, he or she would not be infected. 


Currently, there is no vaccine but a lot of people who contracted it, have recovered from it.  In fact, the health authorities have come out to say that the body’s immune system is able to fight the virus when detected early enough.  It, therefore, is not something that is so life threatening that it should scare people beyond measure.

A few weeks ago, tears came into my eyes as I listened to a story on Asempa FM’s Ekosiisen  programme about the death of a pregnant woman. The story, according to the husband of the deceased, the pregnant woman went into labour and was taken by her sister to a hospital at Nsawam since their town was along the Amasaman-Nsawam road, and I guess it was closer to Nsawam.

According to the husband, when his wife and her sister got to the hospital, she was coughing and a nurse on duty at the hospital asked that the pregnant woman be taken to a different hospital. 

The explanation was that since she was coughing, the nurse suspected that she was suffering from COVID-19 and was not prepared to risk her life in attending to her.  Try as she did, the sister could not persuade the nurse to attend to her pregnant sister, and even though the pregnant woman was in pain, this nurse could not be bothered.


The pregnant woman was then taken to another place after wasting about two hours at the hospital.  The husband was then informed to come over, due to the situation to help transfer the wife to another hospital. 

The long and short of it was that the lady lost her life in the long run together with her baby.  I do not need to be a health specialist to conclude that this nurse in question has no passion for saving human life, and most likely is in the profession for economic reasons, not as a calling.

If care is not taken, there would be a lot more of such avoidable deaths before a vaccine is found and this disease is finally brought under control.

At the beginning of the institution of quarantine of suspected cases, there were rumours making the rounds of a case at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in which a Chinese who was suspected to be a COVID-19 positive, caused a pandemonium because no one was attending to him for fear of contracting the disease. 


Apparently, after a while he was hungry and was not going to allow hunger to kill him, so he decided to go find something to eat and everybody was running away from him including security men.

I shudder to think of what would happen when people are confronted with an accident scene in this COVID-19 era and what their response would be.  Already, fear of contracting HIV through assisting accident victims is an issue and now the invasion by COVID-19 has compounded the situation. 

There are going to be a lot of situations like the ones already discussed, where lives are going to be lost due to fear of contracting the virus unless urgent steps are taken.

Education about the disease must be intensified so that people understand the nature of the virus, mode of transmission and the protective protocols that can be implemented to escape infection. 


This would also enable potential helpers to become less afraid of the disease and be able to offer assistance to people who find themselves in emergency situations that are not related to the disease.

If the ordinary folks do not appreciate the general symptoms, anything can be considered to be a manifestation of COVID-19, and would be reluctant to offer help to victims of emergencies.

One of the important tools that can be used in demystifying the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant fear and stigmatisation, is the use of volunteers who come out publicly to declare their COVID-free status after being cured of the disease.  

Just as the volunteers who were used to fight stigmatisation in the HIV-AIDS disease, a similar method can be used to fight stigmatisation of the COVID-19 in Ghana. 


It is only when people see COVID-19 as just another unfortunate disease that has afflicted mankind and it is not the fault of anybody who contracts it, that people’s attitude towards infected persons would change from scorn to sympathy and empathy.

The President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, must be commended in this regard as he first announced that his Minister of Health had been infected with the virus, thereby demonstrating leadership at the highest level. 

One man who cannot escape mention is one Dzrah, who volunteered way back to become an anti-stigmatisation ambassador and the mental torture he went through with his family.

Recently, other people have openly come to declare their status as COVID victims and have shared with us their health status after their healing. 


This has started removing doubts from the minds of COVID-skeptic people and has also assured people that the virus can be dealt with if identified in time and treated.This would help shape mindsets and help in the fight against unnecessary fear of COVID-19 to avoid avoidable deaths.

The Average Citizen

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Political punches and the Blackman

A live boxing showdown between an Arab champion, Saddam Hus­sein, and the Western ‘Bazooka,’ George Bush, should be the most spec­tacular event in boxing and political history.

Most probably, Saddam Hussein will rely more on his thick moustache than his ‘chemical’ upper-cuts. Natu­rally, the dancing kenkeyweight titlist, George Bush, will turn into a southpaw, floating in the ring, jabbing, ducking and targeting Saddam’s moustache to rip it off once and for all.

Such a boxing show would be one of near equals. But consider for a mo­ment a similar show between the Pride of Pretoria, F. Klerk, and the Hope of South Africa, Oliver Tambo.

Although Tambo is not in the very best of health, he is sure to be a diligent pugilist with all the qualities of a BLACK BOMBER. F. Klerk, the stronger of the two is likely to be cautioned several times for hitting below the belt. Fact is that, de Klerk’s punches are never direct. Perhaps his fists need a binoculars to help target Tambo’s nose.


Oliver Tambo had never been a good friend to South African leaders, especially

Pieter Botha. And for quite some time, Botha has had more than a fair share of Tambo’s political punches till his corner men threw in the towel. Still Botha wanted to fight on although they told him that he needed to be replaced by a clerk-de Klerk.

Today, Oliver Tambo is still fighting on behalf of his people. And gradually, the satanic apartheid regime is crum­bling, but piecemeal. I bet, de Klerk’s formula for dismantling apartheid that can be likened to a small ant com­missioned to eat a mountain of LOAF. Certainly, it would take a thousand years to complete.

This fact is further underscored when we consider that just recently, leaders of the European Community have agreed to scrap the ban on new investments in South Africa. With this decision, South Africa is going to get some breathing space and the process of disentangling its dreaded strangle­hold on the black majority is going to be dead-slow.


The German Foreign Minister, Hans Dietrich Genscher, rationalising the community’s decision, said the lifting of the ban would reward de Klerk for legalising the African National Con­gress (ANC), freeing its deputy leader, Nelson Mandela, and permitting Oliver Tambo to return to South Africa after thirty years in exile.

In reaction to this, the ANC adopt­ed a resolution calling for sanctions to be maintained, with the stand that the EC’s decision which was against ANC interests. Earlier, during an ANC congress, Oliver Tambo had stated that it was time the ANC reviewed its stand on sanctions against South Africa.

“It is no longer enough to repeat the trite slogans …… we should care­fully re-evaluate the advisability of insisting on sanctions given the situa­tion domestically and abroad.”

Apparently, the optimism of the black majority of attaining a wish is gradually becoming tantalising if not illusionary.


As it is now, the European Com­munity’s decision is a pointer to the fact that members of the Community regard the South African whites as their first cousins. And obviously, many Europeans directly or indirectly have commercial interests in South Africa. And how can one punish a brother for so long no matter how recalcitrant he proves to be?

Fact is, covertly or overtly, the apartheid regime is being made to perpetuate till doomsday. No one cares for the black man. The whites will come out openly to condemn the racist regime and go indoors to have plans about how best to strengthen this regime.

Worse atrocities have been visited upon the black man. Since history be­gan chronicling world events, the black man has been at the receiving end of all unpleasantries. He is even cited to have descended from a cursed man called Ham, who according to the Bible derided his father’s nakedness. Quite fallaciously, one child of Ham was said to be black (because of the curse), and became the progenitor of the African race.

It is quite uncertain whether ori­entals like the Chinese also had some share of the curse to make some of them yellow-skinned.


Anyhow, blacks of the world have suffered a lot, having been made slaves, tortured and abused. In the United States where many blacks became domiciled after the slave trade, they were regarded as second rate citizens. To this very day, they are discriminated against when it comes to job opportunities and prospects for promotion.


They are considered brainless and only fun-loving. In a seemingly very crooked research conducted not far back, the following amusing conclu­sions were arrived at. Chinese students were said to be studious, European children very ambitious and bright and Negro children were said to like party­ing and music. Adult Negroes were said to be physically strong with large sexu­al organs but no brains in their heads.

The Blackman’s culture is described as uncivilised and extremely backward. But let’s come to face it. The white man’s culture teaches him to hate oth­ers who are not of his colour. You go to Europe and you would be shocked that some whites would not like to sit in the same bus with you.


When they (Europeans) come to Africa, we are not hostile to them al­though they’ve once enslaved and bru­talised us and continue to discriminate against us. We bear them no grudge. Our culture does not breed hatred for other races. It preaches hospitality and respect for all. Which of these two cultures should be placed higher on the scale of civilisation?

In the US, a white supremacist group named the Ku Klux Klan, have a morbid hatred for blacks and have poli­cies geared towards the elimination of the black race. The neo-Nazis do not like blacks either.

History has it that when Jesse Ow­ens won four Olympic gold medals in Berlin, the Nazi warlord, Adolf Hitler, was gravely embittered.

We are discriminated against in sports, the latest being two dubious penalties awarded against the Indomi­table Lions of Cameroun in the match against England in the 1990 World Cup in Italy. Cameroun, as a result, failed to reach the semi-final stage. Africans do not deserve a World Cup.


And quite sadly we allow Cauca­sians and Anglo Saxons to dictate to us which of our women are beautiful and which are not. We accept their crite­ria for beauty and allow our women to parade semi naked before them, only to be ridiculed as hairless monkeys, and undeserving of beauty awards.

Year after year, we send our wom­en there to experience the same or­deal and we would never learn to stop that nonsense. Are we not encourag­ing the whites to go on ridiculing our race?

Caucasians, Orientals and Africans have their own considerations when appraising beauty. Why allow Cau­casians to superimpose their idea of beauty on ours.

Shall we always be slaves who never stop to think for a while of their independence?


This article was first published on Saturday, December 22, 1990

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Is God a Liar?

I believe the first thought that will occur to anyone who reads the topic of this write-up will be what is going on here? Is this author not com­mitting blasphemy? Recent developments on our political front has made this question relevant because of the im­pact these developments can have on Christianity.

In fact, a respected Chris­tian leader in the country has commented that, Charismatic Christians seem to have de­cided to embark on a one way journey to self destruction.

He further commented that Charismatics have desecrated noble titles like Apostle, Bish­op etc. to the extent that now if you call yourself a Prophet it is synonymous to a con man. Prophets are supposed to speak the mind of God to his people or his church and therefore when a statement is made by a Prophet claiming “thus saith the Lord” people take it whole heartedly as if God was uttering it directly to them.

Again we believe as Chris­tians that God does not lie according to Numbers 23:19 and other references in the bible, and therefore, when a so called Prophet makes an emphatic statement that it is coming from God and a few years later this same God makes another statement contradicting the first one, then it is legitimate to ask the question “Is God a liar”?


People are beginning to lose trust in men of God because of their utteranc­es and actions. You hear of stories of so called men of God committing adultery, stealing, cheating and all kinds of unpleasant behaviour. Unspeakable things that even unbelievers shy away from are being associated with men in white collar.

When elections are ap­proaching, you hear of all manner of prophesies as to which presidential candidate is going to win the elec­tions. Previously, it used to be prophetic declarations on 31st December Night until a certain Dr Dampare issued an order and suddenly God decid­ed to take a holiday each 31st night in my beloved country, Ghana.

The respected Christian leader I mentioned earlier said, he does not believe that God elects leaders especially in our continent and that if he does, given some of the leaders we have had, then we need to have a conversation with him. I fully agree. How can a God of order and dis­cipline, elect lawless people to be leaders who refuse to hand over power contrary to what their constitution states, when their term of office expires?

If I were a member of the fake prophet’s church, I defi­nitely would quit the church because he has proven to be a charlatan. The Bible makes it clear in Mathew 7:20 that the criteria for determining a person’s status as a Christian is by their fruits. Instead of focusing on spreading the Gos­pel and showing the unsaved the way of salvation, they have turned themselves into favour seekers.


The current places of church auditoriums of some of these pastors were places of businesses as those of us who are privileged to be old enough, vividly recollect. They sing the praises of lead­ers and their governments, so they would be favoured with prime locations for their church auditoriums among others. These are what the Bible talks about according to Philippians 3:19 that their God is their belly among others.

Instead of seeking Godly wisdom for the revival of these distressed companies, what they were interested in was the place being given to them and they hypocritically turn around and say let us pray for jobs for the youth.

Some of these so called men of God, demand consultation fees before you can see them and I pity the poor souls who visit such places.

God is not a liar. It is against his nature to lie. He is a spirit of truth. It is rather the Devil who is a liar and the father of lies so if you lead a life of lies, as some of these pastors obviously are doing, then according to the Bible, they are fake.


By Lord Kissi-Mensah

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