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Obaa Yaa

I am confused in life

Dear Obaa Yaa,

I am a young lady in my early 30s. I had a child with someone but my parents did not approve our being together.

Three years down the line, I met another guy and I told him everything and he agreed to be with me and promised to marry me and stand by me.

After a year of dating, I got pregnant for him then he went to see my parents and promised them that after I had put to bed, he will come and marry me.


I have lived with him since my pregnancy and have done everything a woman does for her man but he keeps postponing the mar­riage rites.

Our child is a year and six months old now and he still has not said a word about per­forming the marriage rites.

We have been together for three years now.

What do I do please? I do not want to make the same mistake I made with my first child.


Sylvia, Amasaman.


Dear Sylvia,

I want to commend your second boyfriend for staying with you throughout the period of pregnancy.


For a man to accept someone’s child as his own and still love you was a good thing and must be applauded for it.

I would advise you to be calm, take your time and just pray to God.

It can be that your husband-to-be is preparing himself well in terms of finance. You know marriage entails a lot in terms of finances because he needs to prepare for settle bride price and other marital demands for you to become his wife.

Don’t be in a rush for him to marry you now and not have money to take care of the home.


Approach him with a calm tone to know his mind, how things are going with the preparations and why he keeps postponing the dates.

You would not know his mind unless you ask him. Back your issues and problems with prayers and I believe everything would go on well successfully.

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Obaa Yaa

What subjects should I choose?

Dear Obaa Yaa,

I took part in General Certificate Examination, Ordinary Level (‘O’ level ), and passed in five subjects including English language 6, Modern Mathematics 5, Commerce 3, Business Management 5, and Accounting 6.

With Economics, I had 8. Due to economic constraints it would be impossible for me to attempt the economics again.

What I need from you is an advice as to which subjects I should take at the Advance level so as to go to the University.


I would also like to know the type of career I should take at the University.

A.J, Accra.


Dear A.J


If you want to go to the Sixth form, then you would have to avoid all the subjects except the Commerce and Business Management. But since you are talking of financial constraints, you will have to look for a job and later register for part-time studies in order to take the exams.

That will not be easy but with determination, you can do it.

The career you choose finally should depend on what subjects you do best.

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Obaa Yaa

I’m having second thoughts

Dear Obaa Yaa,

My man and I are planning a wed­ding which will take place within the next few months. It will be preceded by an engagement.

But I am beginning to have second thoughts because I suspect that my man was hiding some negative things about his character.

For instance, I visited him at his of­fice unexpectedly, and he was exchang­ing profanities with another worker.


At another time, he was chasing a female worker around the office and everyone was laughing. But he is a very polite man when we are alone.

Which one do you think is his true character?

It is very important for me because I don’t want to marry a joker.

A.B, Sewhi



Dear A.B

I don’t think you love this man at all, otherwise you will not be having sec­ond thoughts about his other side.

If you are for him, tell him how you felt on the occasions that you went to his office. Don’t make an issue out of it; let him know how much it affected you.


If he cares for you, he will do some­thing about it.

But it might interest you to know that the behaviour of people differs when at home and at work places

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