Cocoyam leaves -Cancer prevention Taro roots play an important role for the antioxidant activity in the body. High levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, and other...
Ebunuebunu soup Ingredients • Meat preferred • Dried/smoked fish • Ginger • Pepper • 3 medium sized tomatoes • 2 large onions • 4 clovesof garlic...
Eat healthy to aviod mascular degeneration Tatale is a Ghanaian dish traditionally made with overriped plantains, flour, cornmeal, and spices like ginger, onions, and hot pepper....
Delicious moi moi Ingredients for moi moi -1 kg of mackerel -7 cooked eggs (optional) -Half cup of vegetable oil -3 seasoning cubes -Salt to taste...
Insomnia Some people with insomnia may fall asleep easily enough but wake up too soon. Otherssimply can’t fall asleep, or they have trouble both falling asleep...
Red meat is a good source of iron, zinc, and B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12. These minerals and vitamins are essential for energy, stamina, and performance....
Ingredients 14-ounces of condensed milk 2-3 tablespoonfuls of vegetable oil 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract (optional) Preparation -On medium heat, put the condensed milk and two...
Instructions Boil water and add ginger, cloves and leave for about two minutes Put the hibiscus flowers with spices into the water and allow it to...
A balanced diet In this chapter, we will be discussing how we can conquer heartburn with our diet. Heartburn is a painful burning sensation in the...
Akple Akple is a Ghanaian dish made from corn flour. It is often served with pepper or stew soup made with various ingredients such as red...