Cucumber salad
Cucumber Salad
-One large cucumber
-One medium-sized red onion
-3 boiled eggs
-2 large carrots
-2 large tomatoes
-2 table spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar
Salad dressing
-3 tablespoonsful of honey
-2 tablespoonful of mayonnaise
-1 tablespoonful of white
-Slice each cucumber into ¼-inch and add to a large bowl.
-Add in the sliced red onion, tomatoes, carrot and toss to combine.
-In a small bowl, whisk together the apple cider vinegar, water, salt, honey and white pepper.
-Pour the dressing mixture over the cucumber, onion, tomatoes, carrot and toss to fully combine.
– Slice boiled eggs and add mayonnaise to the mixture.
-Keep in the fridge until ready to serve.
Orange Juice
Orange juice
—Wash and peel oranges
—Cut the oranges into two and remove seeds
—Put oranges in a blender
—Add water to cover par
tially and blend until smooth
—When properly blended, strain juice with a fine mesh strainer to remove the pitch
—Serve with ice cubes and enjoy
By Elizabeth Agyeibea Ackon
Garden egg stew
Garden egg stew
-Ten large garden eggs
-Half cup of palm oil
-2 red bell pepper
-3 large tomatoes (Optional)
-2 large onions
-One large wele
-2 medium-sized smoked fish
– A medium size Momoni (Salted fish)
-Washgarden eggs and cook
-Wash pepper, onions, tomatoes and blend
-Put oil on fire and add Momoni
– Add blended onions, tomatoes, pepper to cook for sometime
– Blend or grind garden eggs and add to blended onion, tomatoes and pepper.
-Add fish and salt to the mixture and allow it to cook for sometime.
– Serve with rice, plantain or yam