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Resynapsing …A paradigm shift in neural reorganisation and synaptic plasticity


Resynapsing, a novel concept in neuroscience, refers to the dynamic reorganisation of neural con­nections and synaptic strength in response to experience, learning, and environmental factors.

This article provides a com­prehensive overview of the theoretical frameworks, neu­robiological mechanisms, and technical approaches underly­ing resynapsing, with a focus on the innovative techniques developed by Robert Grim­mond-Thompson, pioneer of Emotional Surgery and Emotion­al Elysium.

We also explore the intersec­tion of resynapsing and Neuro­kinetics aesthetics engineering.



The human brain is a com­plex, dynamic system char­acterised by intricate neural networks and synaptic connec­tions.

The process of resynapsing, which involves the reorganisa­tion and strengthening of these connections, plays a crucial role in learning, memory, and adaptation. Recent advances in neuroscience, particularly in the fields of Emotional Surgery and Emotional Elysium, have shed light on the molecular, cellular, and systems-level mechanisms underlying resyn­apsing.

Theoretical Frameworks:


Resynapsing can be under­stood within the context of several theoretical frameworks, including:

1. Hebbian Theory: “Neurons that fire together, wire togeth­er” (Hebb, 1949).

2. Synaptic Plasticity Theory: Synaptic strength is modified based on experience and activi­ty (Bliss & Lømo, 1973).

3. Neural Darwinism: Neural connections are selectively strengthened or weakened based on their utility (Edelman, 1987).


Neurobiological Mecha­nisms:

Resynapsing involves a com­plex interplay between mul­tiple neurobiological mecha­nisms, including:

1. Synaptic potentiation: Long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) of synaptic strength.

2. Neural oscillations: Syn­chronised neural activity in dif­ferent frequency bands (e.g., alpha, beta, gamma).


3. _Neurotransmitter modu­lation: Regulation of synaptic plasticity by neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine.

Emotional Surgery and Emo­tional Elysium:

Robert Grimmond-Thomp­son’s pioneering work in Emo­tional Surgery and Emotional Elysium has revolutionised our understanding of resynapsing.

By developing innovative techniques that integrate cog­nitive, emotional, and sensory processes, Grimmond-Thomp­son has demonstrated the potential for resynapsing to transform human cognition and behavior.


Neurokinetics Aesthetics Engineering:

The intersection of resynaps­ing and Neurokinetics aesthet­ics engineering offers exciting possibilities for the develop­ment of novel therapeutic approaches. By integrating principles from neuroscience, engineering, and aesthet­ics, Neurokinetics aesthetics engineering can provide new insights into the neural mecha­nisms underlying resynapsing.

Implications and Future Directions:

Resynapsing has significant implications for our under­standing of brain function, behavior, and neurological disorders. Future research directions include:


1. Investigating the role of resynapsing in learning and memory.

2. Developing novel thera­peutic approaches for neurolog­ical and psychiatric disorders.

3. Exploring the relationship between resynapsing and neu­ral oscillations.



Resynapsing represents a paradigm shift in our under­standing of neural reorganisa­tion and synaptic plasticity. By elucidating the mechanisms and technical approaches underly­ing resynapsing, we can unlock new avenues for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

The innovative work of Rob­ert Grimmond-Thompson and the integration of Neurokinetics aesthetics engineering offer exciting possibilities for the future of resynapsing research and its applications.


Bliss, T. V., & Lømo, T. (1973). Long-lasting potentia­tion of synaptic transmission in the dentate area of the anaes­thetized rabbit following stim­ulation of the perforant path. Journal of Physiology, 232(2), 331-356.


Edelman, G. M. (1987). Neu­ral Darwinism: The theory of neuronal group selection. Basic Books.

Hebb, D. O. (1949). The orga­nization of behavior: A neuro­psychological theory. Wiley.

Grimmond-Thompson, R. (2020). Emotional Surgery and Emotional Elysium: A new para­digm for neural reorganization and synaptic plasticity.

Never become God’s enemy


SINCE we are in a Christmas season, l am motivated to put on my preaching cap. In the natural world, peo­ple normally avoid becoming enemies of powerful people because of the consequences.

If people fear to deliberate­ly incur the wrath of influen­tial personalities, it beats my imagination why people would deliberately choose to antago­nise almighty God, the creator of heaven and earth and all the natural things we all see.

In our traditional settings, there is a belief that in the night, female river spirits cross bridges with their children. Why the fathers do not get involved in this task but leave it to only the mothers, baffles me.

Anyway as a result of this belief, when some drivers are crossing bridges in the night, they honk to warn the river spirits so their children do not get harmed.


Ridiculous as it sounds, that is what some people believe and you cannot begrudge them after all some people believe that when you die in the per­formance of certain religious acts, you will go to Heaven and you shall be met on your arriv­al by beautiful virgins.

Ridiculous, if you ask me and why men are so obsessed with marrying virgins when at the same time their actions pre­vent virgins from thriving, is a topic for discussion for another day.

The Bible says in Deuteron­omy Chapter 4 the verse 24 that “For the Lord thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God” KJV. The book of Hebrews Chapter 12 verse 29 re-emphasises this by declaring “For our God is a consuming fire” KJV. This clearly shows us the other side of God’s nature.

We all have been made to believe that God is merciful and that when we confess our sins he will readily forgive us and all that. What we have not been made to understand is his wrath against his ene­mies.


Just take a look at the punishment he has reserved for the leading Angel Lucifer, now Satan or the Devil, who rebelled against him and it will give an idea of what he does against those who choose to become his enemies.

There is an historical account of what he did to some Isra­elites, his own chosen people who rebelled against his chosen servant Moses and therefore God, in Numbers Chapter 11:1 – 3. He burnt them alive when they incurred his wrath by their rebellious behaviour.

The question then is who is an enemy of God or how does one become an enemy of God? Proverbs give us an indication of how one can become the enemy of God. Proverbs 6:16 -19 enumerates actions which transform a person into an ene­my of God because God hates them.

These include lying, display of pride, character assassina­tion etc. which are rife in our society. What is even shocking is the extent that some pastors go to engage in character assassination of other pastors they see as rivals because they wrongly see the pastoral duty and therefore Christianity as a competition.


Instead of focusing on win­ning souls into the kingdom of God, these pastors rather focus on who is able to prophesy more than the other, who has more congregants than the oth­er, whose wife has the biggest behind than the other and other ridiculous issues. Once pride sets into a person’s life, he or she becomes an enemy of God.

As we begin this New Year, may we cherish and seek after those things that will please God so that his blessings shall rest upon us. Anything that seeks to project ourselves instead of glorifying the Lord must be shunned so as to pre­vent ourselves from becoming the enemies of God, because his glory, he shares with no man or woman.

Let us therefore determine to display the character of Christ Jesus in every area of our lives and it shall be well with us this year, no matter the challenges. God bless.

By Laud Kissi-Mensah

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The power of change: Understanding the process and catalysts

CHANGE is an inevitable and essential aspect of life, shaping individuals, organizations, and societies. It can be transformative, leading to growth, innova­tion, and progress. But how is change created?

This comprehensive article explores the process and cat­alysts of change.

The Change Process

The change process involves several stages:


1. Awareness: Recognising the need for change.

2. Assessment: Evaluating the current state.

3. Visioning: Envisioning the desired future state.

4. Planning: Developing strategies and action plans.


5. Implementation: Execut­ing the plan.

6. Evaluation: Monitoring progress and making adjust­ments.

Catalysts of Change

Several factors can catalyse change:


1. Internal Motivation: Per­sonal or organisational desire for improvement.

2. External Pressures: Market trends, technological advancements, or regulatory requirements.

3. Leadership: Visionary leaders driving change.

4. Crisis: Forced change due to unexpected events.


5. Innovation: New ideas and technologies.

Types of Change

Change can be:

1. Incremental: Gradual, small-scale changes.


2. Transformational: Radi­cal, large-scale changes.

3. Strategic: Planned, delib­erate changes.

4. Emergent: Spontaneous, unplanned changes.

Change Management


Effective change manage­ment involves:

1. Communication: Clear messaging and stakeholder engagement.

2. Training: Developing skills and knowledge.

3. Support: Providing re­sources and guidance.


4. Monitoring: Tracking progress and addressing chal­lenges.

Resistance to Change

Resistance can arise due to:

1. Fear: Uncertainty and anxiety.


2. Habit: Comfort with the status quo.

3. Lack of Understanding: Insufficient information.

4. Power Dynamics: Threats to authority or control.

Overcoming Resistance


Strategies to overcome resistance include:

1. Education: Providing information and context.

2. Involvement: Engaging stakeholders in the change process.

3. Support: Addressing con­cerns and fears.


4. Leadership: Demonstrat­ing commitment and vision.

Sustaining Change

To sustain change:

1. Embed Change: Integrate new practices and behaviors.


2. Monitor Progress: Contin­uously evaluate and adjust.

3. Celebrate Successes: Recognize achievements.

4. Maintain Momentum: Keep the change process moving.



Change is a complex and multifaceted process. Under­standing the change process, catalysts, and management strategies can help individ­uals and organizations navi­gate and create meaningful change.


1. Develop a Change Mind­set: Embrace change as an opportunity.

2. Build Change Capacity: Develop skills and resources.


3. Foster a Culture of Change: Encourage innovation and experimentation.

By Robert Ekow Grimmond-Thompson

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 This question of love

 The question of love is something that will be talked about until king­dom come.

A discussion I observed on the internet about a 19 year old who had accepted the proposal of a 67 year old man reminded me of the preaching of Pastor Mensa Otabil.

He talked about the a scenario where a 60 year old man enters into a relationship with a 22 year old lady and the lady tells him I love you, when he has a protruded bel­ly, with all the accompanying creases and he believes what she says.

He further went on to say that a whole grown up man, allows a young lady to call him “babe” and he does not feel offended.


He further went on to preach that, this young lady, young enough to be his daughter, says “babe, I love you” and this man sheepishly laughs and does not realise, he is being taken advantage of.

What keeps ringing in my ears is his statement that “what is there to love about a protruding sagging belly?”

There is no regulated way for how a person falls in love. It reminds me of a funny statement that Pastors or marriage counsellors often use, that if you fall in love, you may hurt yourself.

Love I believe is a beautiful thing but it is not something that should be toyed with. People getting into relation­ships should consider the realities that are bound to happen as the years go by.


Jealousy is a very de­structive influence. It can influence a person to harm his wife or her husband or to even commit murder. There has been countless reported instances where a man has poured acid on his wife or girlfriend, slashed his wife to death with a cutlass because he suspected, the wife was cheating on him.

It is something that blinds one to right reasoning and once your reasoning stops functioning, then the wrong side of us takes over and the result is nothing to write home about. In most cases, it comes out after the horrible act has been perpetrated, that there was no truth in the issue that caused the jealou­sy, after all. However, a life would have been maimed, disfigured or destroyed for­ever.

One of the causes of jealou­sy in marriage is the age gap difference. Whether we like it or not we shall grow old one day if God by his grace enables us to live long. When we grow old, a lot of changes occur in our bodies and things we used to do with ease, suddenly become a huge challenge and it could be very frustrating.

One of the things that drives a man crazy is when he has grown weaker in bed and sees the wife interacting with younger men in a suspicious manner that seems to suggest that there is more to it than meets the eye.


Jealousy will definitely be kindled in the heart of such a man whose wife is far young­er than him like this 67 year old man wanting to marry a 19 year young lady.

In 30 years’ time, this man will be 97 and his muscles would have become weaker affecting his erection. His wife would be 49 and will have to be satisfied in bed in a manner that this man cannot execute. What do you think is going to happen?

Marriage Counsellors advo­cate that the ideal age gap between marriage partners should not be more than 10 years. This is one way to eliminate suspicions which results in mistrust when the man grows old and gets weak­er because it is a known fact that sex is very important to men than women.

A man becomes very wor­ried when his sexual perfor­mance level drops. This is what causes some men to act in a manner that is condem­nable. My advice, walk into love, don’t fall into it. God bless.



By Laud Kissi-Mensah

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