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Splendid performances at 3rd Anastasis concert

• Felix Marfo in his elements

Felix Marfo in his elements

It was a night of music and extraor­dinary performances at this year’s ‘Anastasis’ 2024 held at the Family Chapel International over the week­end in Kumasi.

The annual concert has consis­tently focused on God’s presence and power, and the third edition was no exception.

‘Anastasis’ organised by the Felix Marfo Ministries is an event focused on drawing people closer to God through the essence of good music and great performances.


The event commenced with back to back performances from gospel artistes, Victor Afari, Cherry Moore and Naamah Atta-Yeboah.

It proceeded with commendable ministrations from Ross Campbell, Cindy Mezziah, Jojo Arhin, TMC and Quame Gyedu who got the audience jumping, dancing and singing, with an outstanding praise medley.

The best is always saved for the last. Felix Marfo and his team with a magnificent entrance and outfit, eventually mounted the stage with an electrifying performance.

They wowed and refreshed souls with their voices and tunes. They ministered their hit song, ‘Otease’ and other songs, of which some are yet to be released.


Felix Marfo, the brain behind ‘Anastasis’ told The Spectator Agoro he was very surprised about the mas­sive turn out and the love fans and friends showed to him.

 By Linda Abrefi Wadie



Kuami Eugene out with ‘Belinda’

Multiple award-winning Ghanaian musician, Kuami Eugene has released another banger dubbed, ‘Belinda’.

The song narrates a story of a man who is immensely in love with a young lady by name ‘Belinda’.

The young man in the story is ready to take his partner ‘Belinda’ to Berlin in Germany and any part of the world.

He tells her, no matter what other ladies are doing, she is the only one he loves.


The song produced by Kuami Eugene is available on all digital platforms. 

By Edem Mensah-Tsotorme

Enjoy the song below

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Eric Jeshrun releases ‘M’adwene’ featuring Akesse Brempong

Award-winning Ghanaian gospel musician, Eric Jeshrun has released a masterpiece titled, “M’adwene” (My Mind).

The prayerful song features one of Ghana’s finest, Akesse Brempong.

This is a song of Love & Conviction aimed at calming one’s soul in the midst of all that is happening around the world and even in the church of God.

According to Eric Jeshrun, there is a way that chaos in life still draws people even much closer to Jesus.


Making an inference to Psalm 63:1-3 KJV “O God, thou art My God; early will I seek thee: My soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee In a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; To see thy power and thy glory, So as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. Because thy loving-kindness Is better than life, My lips shall praise thee.”

He is optimistic that this song will go a long way to touch many lives.

The new song is available on Youtube and all streaming platforms.

By Edem Mensah-Tsotorme


Stream the song below

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