Share your feelings. Talk to a trusted friend or make an appointment with a therapist. Expressing what you’re going through can be very cathartic, even if...
The three most important questions that must be answered by all men on earth are as follows: (1) What is the meaning of life? (2) What...
The penchant for falsehood peddling in our country especially in our political circles is something that worries me a lot since it would have a negative...
Stress is an Emotional Virus that eats away your happiness and creative intelligence – (Robert Grimmond-Thompson- Emotional Surgeon / Neuro Kinetic Surgeon ) 1. Avoid unnecessary...
The Bible says “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye...
The executive committee (governing body) of the Apostles Revelation Society (ARS) at its General Conference held at Tadzewu last Saturday, September 26, 2020 removed Rev. Nyeenyami...
It is said that Ghana as a country has one of the best laws in the world but enforcement has always been the problem.I am yet...
There have been a few suicide cases that have caused a lot of concern due to the ages of the persons involved. I recall the jumping...
COVID-19 has pushed many consumers to jumped on online shopping because it has proven to be the most convenient way of buying during this era as...
Insomnia, which is defined as having both poor sleep quality and impaired sleep related activities of daily living (ADL), was reported by 18.5 percent of night-shift...