Infections of the urinary tract (UTIs) are the second most common type of infection in the body. You may have a UTI if you notice pain...
Meat pie Meat Pie is a West African pastry that is stuffed with meat. It can serve as an appetizer at restaurants, parties, etc. Ingredients Crust...
Akotonshi Akotonshi is a delicious stuffed crab dish that is associated with feasting in Ghana. The dish is sprinkled with breadcrumbs and placed under a broiler....
Intake of shrimps and salmon can prevent skin cancer In this chapter, we will be discussing how we can prevent skin cancer with our diet. Skin...
Akyeke Akyeke is a popular Ghanaian dish made from grated cassava or yam. The grated cassava or yam is mixed with spices and steamed until cooked....
Delicious Abora Ingredients 2 cups of roasted peanuts 1 cup of sugar Preparation – Remove the peanut husk and slightly crush them by using small mortar...
Pineapple In this chapter, we will be discussing how we can live a sinusitis free life with our diet. If you are fed up with that...
Eat balanced diet In this new chapter, we will be discussing how we can manage prostate cancer with our diet. Prostate cancer, although rare in men...
Delicious Abora Abora is one of the delicious snacks of the Ewes. It is made from corn and can be eaten at afternoons and late afternoons....
Kaaweku Kwaaweku is a staple food for royals in Ada. The name ‘Kaaweku’ is derived from two syllables – Kaawe which means crab in the Ada...