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Dr Francis Boateng Agyenim, leading solar energy, research conversation in Ghana

• Dr Francis Boateng Agyenim

Dr Francis Boateng Agyenim

 DR Francis Boateng Agyenim, Di­rector of the Council for Scientif­ic and Industrial Research-Insti­tute of Industrial Research (CSIR-IIR), has over the past years led the ad­vocacy for the utilisation of research and solar energy to transform Ghana’s economy.

Responsible for the day-to-day administration of Ghana’s foremost industrial research and development institute whose mandate is to drive national development and global competiveness in industry through sci­entific and technological research, Dr Agyenim has led several conversations and supported innovations aimed at making Ghana a research hub in Africa and the world at large.

He is also vocal on solar energy, believing it represents Ghana’s future and Ghanaian industries, and the gov­ernment must take advantage of same to foster growth.


Born in Asikasu, a village seven miles away from Dormaa Ahenkro in the Bono Region, young Agyenim started his basic school at Asikasu No.1 where he combined education with farming in order to make ends meet.

Steadily, Agyenim gained his Middle School Living Certificate in 1984 at age of 15 before joining the Dormaa Senior High School from 1984-1989 for his O-level certificate.

He then moved to Osei Kyerekwie Senior High School (OKESS) in Kumasi (1989-1991) and later to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in 1998 where he studied Metallurgical Engineering to begin his research journey.

Before completing university, Dr Agyenim secured a job at AshantiGold before moving to Sankofa Gold in Prestea for two years. He travelled to Germany to do his Masters in Energy Conversion and Management in 2000 where he also secured a job in the solar industry for a year to launch his interest in solar energy.


He later moved to the UK where he worked and had a PhD in Solar Energy Engineering. Dr Agyenim also taught in three other universities in the UK-Car­diff, Ulster and Nottingham Universi­ties.

Dr Agyenim moved back to Ghana in 2012 to head the Ghana Technology University College (GTUC) in 2012 as the Dean of Graduate School for four years.

While at GTUC, Dr Agyenim created a system of dual accreditation where Coventry University and other univer­sities were partnering GTUC to teach foreign programmes in Ghana with students issued dual certificates. His key responsibilities included teaching and conducting cutting-edge research in renewable energy systems and sus­tainable energy technologies as well as some administrative functions as Course Director.

He also worked as Lead Consultant in several research and development projects and moved to CSIR-IIR in Oc­tober 2016 as Director till date.


Dr Agyenim has consulted for several organisations on sustainable energy related projects and supervised instal­lation of several solar PV systems in Ghana and Germany. He has over the last five years led the training of 2,900 professional electrical engineers/elec­tricians on how to install and maintain solar systems.

He currently serves on several University and Management Boards including University for Development Studies (UDS) Council, Ghana Nuts Management Board, National Biosafety Authority Management Board, Nursing and Midwifery Council Management Board and CSIR Boards.

Dr Agyenim has developed and implemented several innovations, including the Zero Waste Disposal concept (ZeWaD), the CSIR Industrial Innovation Hub (i2-Hub) and novel solar powered absorption cooling sys­tem. He has to his credit several peer reviewed articles in the subject area of renewable and alternative energies, including guidelines document for the integration of solar powered absorp­tion cooling systems into buildings and integrated wastewater and faecal sludge management for Ghana.

“Solar is the future and Ghanaians must begin to invest in solar. Interest­ingly, the solar availability in Ghana cannot be compared to countries where solar is popular like Germany,” he stated.


Thankfully, he said, with the sup­port of Ghana Skills Development Fund, since 2015, nearly 3,000 certi­fied electricians are currently dotted across the country, equipped to install solar professionally as the challenge had always been with the technicali­ties involved in the installation.

“The quality of panels have im­proved and could last for over 20 years as compared to the past. Solar at the moment is very robust and indigenous Ghanaian companies must take advantage as done by their foreign counterparts. Currently at the commercial scale, one can break even in five years,” he stressed.

“If the government can dedicate funds into putting solar on all public buildings, in the country to store pow­er, it make the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) profitable. ECG should also begin to buy roofs of companies to store solar and sell it back to them. An average company owner is only interested in seeing their electricity reduced,” he suggested.

With his core mandate at the CSIR-IIR, they conduct research and de­velop products materials and manu­facturing, engineering designing and prototyping, calibration and testing, sanitation and environmental man­agement and emerging engineering technology using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to develop products as well as melt metals and building of all parts of machines, among others.


“The difficulty is that the govern­ment has not invested into research and for Ghana to benefit from re­search immensely, there is the need to define an annual area of research and allow organisations to compete and solve societal problems,” he advocat­ed.

That notwithstanding, he led the CSIR-IIR to chalk successes in the areas of Agriculture as their research improved yields of maize, rice, beans and yam in Ghana.

“It is important to find businesses to pick up CSIR-IIR outputs and form partnerships to manufacture the products. I am very keen on how we advance market-ready products sitting on the shelves into business to benefit society,” he mentioned.

He also works as the Chairperson of the National Innovation Challenge and believes that Ghana must be inten­tional about its development with re­search and academia, government and business working together to develop the country.


Following his outstanding works, the CSIR-IIR has won several awards including the Ghana Energy Awards for Energy Organisation of the Year-Public and Novel Deployment of Renewable Energy Technology Award in 2018 and 2022 respectively.

Dr Agyenim is married and blessed with five daughters, and loves farming on weekends.

 By Michael D. Abayateye



Ransford Antwi, set to upset the apple-cart in Sunyani East

Mr Ransford Antwi

Mr Antwi

The race for the Sunyani East Constituency parliamentary seat has become keener and hotter following the decision by Mr Ransford Antwi, an Independent Candidate to join the race for the December gener­al election.

Mr Antwi, a Sunyani based business­man and philanthropist, has pledged to challenge the longstanding dom­inance of the ruling New Patriotic Par­ty (NPP) candidate in the forthcoming general election.

Antwi and wife

It has traditionally been a strong­hold of the NPP since 1996, however, Mr Antwi seem undeterred by NPP’s strength, vowing to upset the ap­ple-cart.

His reason for that belief is simple – the NPP and their candidate have failed to meet the developmental needs of the people.


This, he believes is buttressed by the large army of the youth and some influential figures within the con­stituency and abroad throwing their weight behind his candidacy.

Mr Antwi in handshake with former president kuffour

Mr Antwi in handshake with former president kuffour

Mr Antwi says his candidacy pro­vides hope and progress for the community.

And it appears his campaign is going on smoothly with a section of the youth, especially the first time voters in the constituency have bought into his ideas.

In separate conversations with a number of them at a campaign activ­ity, they made it clear to The Spec­tator in an interview that they were relishing a change because it appears they have been taken for granted for a long time.



Mr Antwi with former president JJ Rawlings

Mr Antwi with former president JJ Rawlings

Mr Antwi is a royal from Sunyani with a strong reputation for honesty and integrity. His connection with the youth and readiness to help in various community activities have earned him significant support from the elector­ate.

He remains very confident in win­ning the seat in December following a recent survey from Infoanalytic which identified him as the favoured candi­date among the others.

“My decision to contest for the Sunyani East parliamentary seat is to reverse the downwards spiral of developmental needs in the constit­uency.


My primary focus would be on de­velopment and job creation and equip a significant number of the youth with skills to enhance their employ­ability if am elected” he stated.

“When I declared my intention to contest, some people thought that I was just joking and that I would collect money from other contestants and abandon my dream, but I want to assure you that I am in it for the long haul.

Mr Antwi said he boast of a ‘solid’ team on the ground working hard to maintain the momentum and leave nothing to chance.


He expressed concern that the Sunyani East constituency and the broader Sunyani area have diminished in stature due to the absence of sub­stantial developmental initiatives.

The deteriorating condition of Sunyani’s roads characterised by pot­holes, the neglected regional library and absence of a sports stadium for the constituency would be my prior­ity.

“The youth needs someone to provide them with leadership, offer them employable skills, hence the plan to establish a youth develop­ment centre where majority of them would be trained.

There would also be a dedi­cated office to receive the people and hold regular Town Hall meet­ings to share ideas from the people to help push forward to con­stituency’s devel­opment agenda.


In all of these, financial support remain a biggest challenge faced by his campaign team because ev­erybody wants to wear his T-shirts and other para­phernalia.

“This comes as a huge cost,” he added.


Coming into a contest like this also has a few chal­lenges which Mr Antwi is trying very hard to deal with.


“Some of the people think that I am a rich person because I am a business­man. Others also think that once I am contesting for the election, I have a lot of money to spend and they must come for their share.

But that, according to him, was cer­tainly not the case.

“I’m working within my means. I have some little donations I received from some people who believe in this course to pull through.



Mr Antwi is the owner of Sun-city radio, one of the most popular radio stations in the region. He also owns a fleet of businesses.

Business aside, Mr Antwi is passion­ate about doing philanthropic work. Through his Sun-city outreach team, he has been able to liaise with some medical doctors to organised health screening for the aged to deal with health complications such as hernia, glaucoma and general health issues in the constituency and beyond.

As a football enthusiast and highly connected figure in football circles, the Sunyani East constituency par­liamentary aspirant said he used his influence to secure kit sponsorship for the senior national team in the past.

He was part of a team that hired the services of Ratomir Djokovic from Serbia who supervised Ghana’s qualification to its first World Cup in Germany in 2006.

He is a staunch supporter of BA United, Asante Kotoko and Manches­ter United of England.



Mr Antwi completed the St Patrick’s Middle School in 1987 and continued to Twene Amanfo Senior Technical High/Sunyani Senior High for his A Level Certificate and completed in 1993.

He had his National Service with the Bono Regional Hospital before proceeding to the Institute of Man­agement Studies in Kumasi where he obtained a Diploma in Business Management.

He later worked with MTN Ghana before venturing into private busi­ness.



He is the first born of children to the late Stephen Kwame Antwi and Madam Helena Dankwa.

Mr Antwi and his family at Manchester United stadium UK

Mr Antwi and his family at Manchester United stadium UK

Mr Antwi is married to Sufura Mo­hammed Suraj with whom they are blessed with four beautiful children – Emily Dankwa Antwi, Denise Antwi, Ransford Kofi Antwi and Zara Afia Kuruwaa Antwi.

His favourite meal is fufu with groundnut soup.

Mr&Mrs Antwi

Mr & Mrs Antwi


He advised the youth to stay fo­cused as they work towards realising their dreams.


According to him, the future of this country rests in the arm of the youth so it was important for any govern­ment to formulate policies that would ensure their development.

Mr Antwi also encouraged the youth to shun acts that would plunge their various communities into chaos, espe­cially with elections approaching.

By Daniel Dzirasah, Sunyani

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Addiction counsellor advises youth…  Stay away from alcohol, it can ruin your life

Don Richie looked older at 45 years and battlin

Don Richie looked older at 45 years and battling alcoholism (left) than at 50 and overcoming it

When Richard Nii Adjei Otch­wemah decided to celebrate his completion of secondary school with alcoholic drinks, little did he know it was going to be the begin­ning of a long battle with alcoholism for almost 30 years of his life.

‘The Don’ or ‘Don Richie,’ as he was called, because he was always the boss and leader of most activities among his friends, recalled that after their final exam, he and some of his friends decided to do something ad­venturous to celebrate completion of that level of education.

“Right at the gate of the school, someone was selling palm wine and so we had a good taste of it,” Mr Otchwemah, who is now an Addiction Coun­sellor disclosed this in an interview with The Spectator on the side­lines of an occasion to celebrate persons who had recovered from substance abuse at the House of St. Francis Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment and Reha­bilitation Centre in Ashaiman.

He said while wait­ing for his results, he was taken out regularly by a friend to have a bottle or two of beer.


“Drinking alcohol was not a hab­it until after Sixth Form when I was posted to a remote village to do my National Service. It was without electricity and water. The food was also bad so the only thing providing us with joy was hard liquor (akpeteshie), which was providing the ‘appetite’ to enjoy the meal” he narrated.

“But at home, I could eat without the alcohol as appetite because the food was good.”

He said after his graduation from University, he got married and was still drinking, recalling how he took his wife to drink.

That continued after marriage as his crave for alcohol became persistent while his wife be­came concerned and started expressing her displeasure about it.

Mr Otchwemah stated that in the process, he lost his influence on his family and community which previous­ly considered him as a role model and very responsible person.


As if that was not enough, alcoholism affected him greatly when pursuing a Master’s pro­gramme. He struggled to study and pro­crastinated on things to do.

Conse­quently, he felt his life was mov­ing back­wards and begin to lose his friends, family and even his job because he sometimes missed some days at work due to drinking.

The Addiction Counsellor said he spent almost all his time at drink­ing bars and preferred to be with like-minded people in order not to be discriminated upon.

In the process, he sometimes found himself on the wrong side of the law due to excessive drinking and also sus­tained various degrees of injuries from falls or fights caused by his drinking habit.


The turning point for him was when some old friends who had shown him so much love and respect over the years spoke to him passionately about the developments in his life and the need for him to get help.

He noted that there was an earlier attempt by some family members to get him to seek help from a rehabil­itation centre but he returned home after a month and started drinking again.

According to him, that attempt did not work because he had gone there out of frustration due to the pressure from his friends and a desire to make them happy.

The 50-year old narrated that the approach by his friends did not sound manipulative and so in August 2019, he decided to seek professional help from the House of St. Francis.


“And to the glory of God, I am back to my old self. The last month of August was exactly five since I tasted alcohol. I communicate well and I am polite with people. I say sorry when I offend them and also communicate well if I have concerns about issues without resorting to alcohol. I have not taken alcohol for five years and the good news is that I am helping others to do same,” he said.

He says it was important for society to treat persons battling addiction of any form with love and respect.

“Such people must be treated with respect. If possible, such people should be referred to persons who they respect and have a lot of regard for, because the process is all about conviction.”

He says after recovery, those who helped them should not use the roles they played as an opportunity to ma­nipulate, blackmail or disrespect them otherwise they might relapse out of frustration.


The Addiction Counsellor appealed to the Ministry for Education and the Ghana Education Service (GES) to vigorously start a campaign to get students in the Junior and Senior High Schools to be educated on the dangers of alcohol.

He noted that the focus had over the years been on drugs and weed to the neglect of alcohol which is also destructive to its users.

For the youth, the best advice he could offer them was to abstain from alcohol because it has the potential to destroy them.

 From Dzifa Tetteh Tay, Ashaiman

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