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Obaa Yaa

Marry her to solve the problem

 Dear Obaa Yaa,

We  have known each other since 2018 when she was 16 and I was 19. We have been so close since last year.

When I asked her about her past relationship, she told me she was with a boy who was the same age as she is and the boy was a womaniser, and also he was not serious with the relationship.

She also told me that she never quarreled with the boy and thus, it was distance that kept them apart.


The boy stays in Accra and she stays in Kumasi. Even though she has promised to marry me, my instincts tells me that they still communicate.

I also live in Accra and what is the guarantee that she won’t go back to this boy if he comes back to woo and reconnect with her again?

I love her so much and I don’t want to end this relationship.

Obaa Yaa, my problem now is how do I convince her to stop com­municating with the boy in order to be assured that she is mine?


Yaw Manu

Accra south.


Dear Yaw Manu,


I have a feeling you really love your girlfriend, and indeed you don’t want to lose her.

I personally believe that in order to know your fate about this relationship, you must have a heart to heart talk with your girl about this issues. And if you are bent on marrying her why don’t you go ahead?

In 2018, she was 16 and you were 19. You two are matured now so my advice to you is to marry her if you don’t want anybody to tamper with her.

This is because once she is unmarried, anything can really happen.

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Obaa Yaa

Should I leave my uncle?

Dear Obaa Yaa,

I HAVE been working with my uncle for the past two years in his shop with­out pay, even though he has prom­ised to pay me a monthly salary.

A friend of his offered me employ­ment in his shop and the remunera­tion is very attractive which I have accepted.

Am I being ungrateful for accepting the job and how do I break this news to my uncle.



Accra, Ghana


Dear Eva,


I SUGGEST you give him another chance by reminding him politely about your monthly stipend.

On the other hand, he might have forgotten and maybe have invested it into something lucrative for you.

Kindly tell your friend to hold on with the job offer and speak to your uncle about any decision you want to take.

It would also be ideal if you speak to your parents to talk to your uncle on your behalf.


If he agrees to pay you, then let him know that you wish to accept an employment elsewhere.

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Obaa Yaa

Don’t go there and lose your soul

Dear Obaa Yaa,

I am convinced that you can ex­plain why I am always losing the jobs that I get.

I am a contractor who supplies any item you can think of. Things used to be rosy until recently.

Every customer who orders goods from me always return to cancel the order.


This happened to me ten con­secutive times.

A friend of mine suggested that we should ‘pass somewhere’ because she was sure that some forces were working against me.

Obaa Yaa, if it is not witch­craft, what else could it be?

Sammy K.T.


Nungua, Accra

Dear Sammy,

HAVE you cared to find out why people are cancelling their orders?

Maybe someone is saying bad things about you to your customers to ‘spoil’ your business.


It might also be that, you do not deal honestly with your cli­ents.

So get to know what the real cause is. I do not object to the fact that witches can cause havoc.

However, many things we attri­bute to witches are caused by our own selves. So investigate to find out why your business is taking a nosedive.

In any case, ‘passing some­where’ can land you in trouble. You can be deceived and defraud­ed. You might also lose your soul to the devil.


So think twice.

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